
chOSRcompat -- display and change OSRcompat package version for applications


/usr/sbin/chOSRcompat [ version ]


The chOSRcompat command provides the ability to change the version string associated with the OSRcompat package. The default version is "8.0.2". With no argument, the current version string in /var/sadm/pkg/OSRcompat/pkginfo is displayed. If a single argument is provided on the command line, the version string in /var/sadm/pkg/OSRcompat/pkginfo is changed to match it. No validation is done on the argument provided. You must be logged in as root to use this command.

Changing the OSRcompat package version is usually necessary only when installing or running applications that were designed to run on predecessor operating systems, and that expect a particular version of the OSRcompat package to be installed in order to run properly.


file containing the current OSRcompat version string

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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005