
backupsh -- menu driven backup administration utility




backupsh is the screen interface invoked by the sysadmsh(ADM) Backups selection to administer the backup subsystem. backupsh allows scheduled and non-scheduled backups to be taken. Complete filesystems or single files or directories may also be restored. It also allows the /usr/lib/sysadmin/schedule file to be edited.

backupsh can be used with both UNIX and XENIX filesystems. If a UNIX filesystem is being used then backupsh calls cpio(C): if a XENIX filesystem is being used then backupsh calls xbackup(ADM) or xrestore(ADM).

Refer to atcronsh(ADM) for details of environment variables that backupsh uses, the usage is the same except that backupsh uses the specific variable BACKUP instead of ATCRON.


Invoking backupsh is not recommended; use the sysadmsh Backups selection.



See also

at(C), atcronsh(ADM), auditsh(ADM), authsh(ADM), backup(ADM), cpio(C), cron(C), restore(ADM), sysadmsh(ADM)

Standards conformance

backupsh is not part of any currently supported standard; it is an extension of AT&T System V provided by The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005