MEMSWITCH(8) System Manager's Manual (X68k) MEMSWITCH(8)


memswitchget or set x68k memory switch


memswitch -a

memswitch [-h] [-n] variable ...

memswitch -w variable=value ...

memswitch -r filename

memswitch -s filename


The memswitch command gets or sets the x68k memory switch stored in the non-volatile static ram.

The first form shows the current values of all the variables of the memory switch.

The second form shows the current values of the specified variables. If the -h flag is specified, a brief descriptions of the variables are displayed. The -n flag suppresses printing of the variable name.

The third form sets or modifies the specified variables to the given value.

In the fourth and fifth form, the whole memory switch part of non-volatile SRAM is saved to, or restored from the specified file, respectively.


non-volatile static memory control device


The memswitch command first appeared in NetBSD 1.5.
June 21, 1999 NetBSD 6.1