TADPOLECTL(8) System Manager's Manual (SPARC) TADPOLECTL(8)


tadpolectlget or set tadpole microcontroller state


tadpolectl [-n] name ...

tadpolectl [-n] -w name=value ...

tadpolectl [-n] -a


The tadpolectl utility retrieves values from the ts102 microcontroller and allows processes with appropriate privilege to set some values. The state to be retrieved or set is described using a ``Management Information Base'' (``MIB'') style name, described as a dotted set of components. The -a flag can be used to list all the currently available string or integer values.

The -n flag specifies that the printing of the field name should be suppressed and that only its value should be output. This flag is useful for setting shell variables. For example, to save the mains power status in variable mains, use:

set mains=`tadpolectl -n hw.power.mains`

If just a MIB style name is given, the corresponding value is retrieved. If a value is to be set, the -w flag must be specified and the MIB name followed by an equal sign and the new value to be used.

The information available from tadpolectl consists of only integers. Some registers can be modified, but have no way of reading what the current value is. Those registers will always display “0”.

The changeable column indicates whether a process with appropriate privilege can change the value, and if a displayed value is valid.

Name Changeable Valid
hw.microcontroller.version no yes
hw.version no yes
hw.poweroncycles no yes
hw.poweronseconds no yes
hw.power.mains no yes
hw.power.battery.int no yes
hw.power.battery.ext no yes
hw.power.battery.chargedisabled yes yes
hw.power.battery.int.chargerate yes yes
hw.power.battery.ext.chargerate yes yes
hw.power.battery.int.chargelevel no yes
hw.power.battery.ext.chargelevel no yes
hw.video.external no yes
hw.video.lid no yes
hw.video.syncinva yes yes
hw.video.syncinvb yes yes
hw.video.compsync yes yes
hw.video.tft.brightness yes yes
hw.speaker.freq yes no
hw.speaker.volume yes yes
hw.kbd.repeat.delay yes yes
hw.kbd.repeat.speed yes yes
hw.kbd.click yes yes
hw.mouse.recalibrate yes no
hw.mouse.disable yes yes
hw.mouse.intclick yes yes
hw.mouse.extclick yes yes
hw.mouse.sensitivity yes yes
hw.serial.power yes yes


For example, to retrieve the current internal battery charge level, one would use the following request:
tadpolectl hw.power.battery.int.chargelevel

To set the speaker beep frequency of the system to 1000, one would use the following request:

tadpolectl -w hw.speaker.freq=1000




tadpolectl first appeared in NetBSD 1.5.
December 16, 1999 NetBSD 6.1