BOOT(8) | System Manager's Manual (SGIMIPS) | BOOT(8) |
Once a bootloader is present in the volume header, it may be executed directly by the PROM either manually, or at boot time using the “OSLoader” PROM environment variable. The NetBSD bootloader will obtain the kernel filename to boot from the PROM or EEPROM. This is specified by setting the PROM environment variable “OSLoadFilename” to an appropriate value. For instance, “/netbsd.ecoff”.
For example, the following will configure the PROM to use the bootloader “aoutboot” to load the kernel “netbsd.old”
setenv OSLoader aoutboot
setenv OSLoadFilename netbsd.old
An example BOOTP entry for dhcpd(8) follows:
host indigo3k { hardware ethernet 08:00:69:42:42:42; fixed-address; option host-name ""; #filename "/netbsd.ecoff"; next-server; option root-path "/export/indigo3k/root"; server-name ""; }
To boot a kernel named “netbsd.ecoff” the user would type:
boot -f bootp():/netbsd.ecoff
See dhcpd.conf(5) for more information on configuring dhcpd(8) as a BOOTP server.
Some firmware revisions have a bug, which precludes them from communicating with TFTP servers using ports above 32767. When using NetBSD as the TFTP server, this problem may be worked around as follows:
sysctl -w net.inet.ip.anonportmin=20000
sysctl -w net.inet.ip.anonportmax=32767
Another bug exists in some firmware revisions, which precludes the PROM from communicating with TFTP servers that employ PMTU (Path MTU) discovery. This bug may be worked around by disabling PMTU on the TFTP server. This does not presently affect NetBSD servers.
This man page is horribly incomplete.
August 11, 2007 | NetBSD 6.1 |