BOOTPREF(8) System Manager's Manual (ATARI) BOOTPREF(8)


bootprefset NVRAM boot preference


bootpref [-v] [-b os] [-d delay] [-l lang] [-k kbd] [-s id] [-f fmt] [-1] [-2] [-e sep] [-c colours] [-n] [-p] [-t] [-v] [-4] [-8] [-o] [-O] [-x] [-X] [-i] [-I]


bootpref views and sets the NVRAM boot preferences.

The program options are:

verbose output (when setting preferences)
-b netbsd
set the boot OS to NetBSD
-b tos
set the boot OS to TOS
-b linux
set the boot OS to Linux
-b systemv
set the boot OS to System V
-b none
set the boot OS to none
-d delay
set the boot delay to delay seconds, where delay is a value between 0 and 255
-l english
set the language to English
-l german
set the language to German
-l french
set the language to French
-l spanish
set the language to Spanish
-l italian
set the language to Italian
-k american
set the keyboard layout to American
-k german
set the keyboard layout to German
-k french
set the keyboard layout to French
-k british
set the keyboard layout to British
-k spanish
set the keyboard layout to Spanish
-k italian
set the keyboard layout to Italian
-k sw f
-k swiss french
set the keyboard layout to Swiss (French)
-k sw g
-k swiss german
set the keyboard layout to Swiss (German)
-s id
set the SCSI id to id, where id is a value between 0 and 7
-f mmddyy
-f ddmmyy
-f yymmdd
-f yyddmm
set the date format
set the date format to 12 hour clock
set the date format to 24 hour clock
-e sep
set the date format separator to sep
-c colours
set the number of colours - 2, 4, 16, 256 or 65535
set the video mode to NTSC
set the video mode to PAL
set the video mode to TV
set the video mode to VGA
set the video mode to 40 columns
set the video mode to 80 columns
set the video mode to overscan
set the video mode to no overscan
set the video mode to ST compatibility
set the video mode to no ST compatibility
set the video mode to interlace (TV), double line (VGA)
set the video mode to no interlace/double line

All strings can be specified by their shortest abbreviation

If no parameters are specified, bootpref shows the current boot preferences.




The bootpref command first appeared in NetBSD 1.4.


Julian Coleman


Setting the boot OS to none will cause the machine not to boot from the hard disk.

The majority of the parameters are not used under NetBSD.

January 11, 1998 NetBSD 6.1