BINPATCH(8) System Manager's Manual (Amiga) BINPATCH(8)


binpatchexamine and or modify initialized data in a binary file


binpatch [-b | -w | -l] [-o offset] -s symname [-r value] binfile

binpatch [-b | -w | -l] [-o offset] -a addr [-r value] binfile


binpatch is used to modify or examine the data associated with a symbol in a binary file binfile. The flags -b, -w and -l specify the size of the data to be modified or examined (byte, word and long respectively.) The binfile is scanned in search of the symbol symname (specified with the -s flag) If the symbol is found the current data and address are printed. Next if the -r flag has been given, the current data is replaced with that of value.

If the second form is used the address addr specified with the -a flag is used as a direct address into the data section of the binary and no symbol search is performed.

The -o flag specifies an offset in byte, word or long (-b, -w, or -l) units from the given locator (-s or -a) for binpatch to perform its described actions.

February 2, 1994 NetBSD 6.1