VIDCVIDEO(4) Kernel Interfaces Manual (Acorn32) VIDCVIDEO(4)


vidcvideoVIDC video device driver


vidcvideo0 at vidc0
wsdisplay* at vidcvideo0 console ?

makeoptions MONITOR=""AKF85""
makeoptions MODES=""1024,768,60 800,600,60""


The vidcvideo driver provides support for the video system of the ARM VIDC20 and of the video and sound macrocell of the ARM7500 and ARM7500FE within the wscons(4) framework. It provides support for both a text-based console display and a memory-mapped frame buffer usable by the X Window System.

The vidcvideo driver chooses a screen mode to use when NetBSD starts up, and has no means of changing it thereafter. The driver attempts to choose a screen mode from its built-in list that most closely matches the mode being used under RISC OS. If the built-in list of modes is inadequate, a different one can be substituted by compiling a kernel using the MONITOR option to refer to a RISC OS ModeInfo file, specifying the list of modes to extract from it in MODES.


Directory for ModeInfo files.




Before NetBSD 4.0, use of MONITOR and MODES was compulsory, as there was no built-in list of screen modes.
August 20, 2006 NetBSD 6.1