OFFTIME(3) Library Functions Manual OFFTIME(3)


offtime, timeoff, timegm, timelocalconvert date and time


Standard C Library (libc, -lc)


#include <time.h>

struct tm *
offtime(const time_t * clock, long int offset);

struct tm *
offtime_r(const time_t * clock, long int offset, struct tm *ret);

timeoff(struct tm * tm, long int offset);

timegm(struct tm * tm);

timelocal(struct tm * tm);


These functions are inspired by C standard interfaces named similarly.

offtime() converts the calendar time clock, offset by offset seconds, into broken-down time, expressed as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

offtime_r() is similar to offtime() but it places the returned struct tm * in the user supplied ret argument.

timeoff() converts the broken-down time tm, expressed as UTC, offset by offset seconds, into a calendar time value.

timegm() converts the broken-down time tm into a calendar time value, effectively being the inverse of gmtime(3). It is equivalent to the C standard function mktime(3) operating in UTC.

timelocal() converts the broken down time tm, expressed as local time, into a calendar time value. It is equivalent to the C standard function mktime(3), and is provided for symmetry only.


ctime(3), tm(3), tzset(3)
April 14, 2011 NetBSD 6.1