END(3) Library Functions Manual END(3)


end, etext, edataend boundaries of image segments


extern int end;
extern int etext;
extern int edata;


The globals end, etext and edata are program segment end addresses.

etext is located at the first address after the end of the text segment.

edata is located at the first address after the end of the initialized data segment.

end is located at the first address after the end of the data segment (BSS) when the program is loaded. Use the sbrk(2) system call with zero as its argument to find the current end of the data segment.


sbrk(2), malloc(3), a.out(5)


An end manual page appeared in Version 6 AT&T UNIX.


Traditionally, no variable existed that pointed to the start of the text segment because the text segment always started at address zero. Although it is no longer valid to make this assumption, no variable similar to the ones documented above exists to point to the start of the text segment.
September 1, 2005 NetBSD 6.1