AOUT2HUX(1) General Commands Manual (X68k) AOUT2HUX(1)


aout2huxconvert a.out/ELF executable to Human68k .x format


aout2hux [-o output_file] aout1 loadaddr1 aout2 loadaddr2


aout2hux reads two a.out(5) or ELF format executables with different load addresses and generate Human68k ‘.x' format executable.

If the input files are a.out, they must be static OMAGIC / NMAGIC m68k executables. If the input files are ELF, they must be static m68k executables. Two input executables must be created from the same objects, and have different loading addresses. Each of the load address is specified by a hexadecimal number. Load address shall be multiple of 4 for as(1) and ld(1) of NetBSD/m68k.

If the output file is not specified by -o option, the name out.x is used.


default output file.


The following command sequence creates a Human68k executable foo.x from object files a.o and b.o:

cc -N -nostdlib -static -Wl,-Text,0        -o aout1 a.o b.o 
cc -N -nostdlib -static -Wl,-Text,10203040 -o aout2 a.o b.o 
aout2hux -o foo.x aout1 0 aout2 10203040

This example uses 0x0 and 0x10203040 as the load addresses.


as(1), cc(1), ld(1), a.out(5)


The aout2hux utility first appeared in NetBSD 1.4.


Symbol and debugging information is not converted.

The generated executable is not so effective as that of Human68k native compiler.

August 13, 1998 NetBSD 6.1