SOELIM(1) General Commands Manual SOELIM(1)


soelimeliminate .so's from nroff input


soelim [-I directory] [file ...]


soelim reads the specified files or the standard input and performs the textual inclusion implied by the nroff(1) directives of the form:

.so somefile

The directives need to appear at the beginning of input lines. This is useful since programs such as tbl(1) do not normally do this; it allows the placement of individual tables in separate files to be run as a part of a large document.

An argument consisting of a single minus ‘-' is taken to be a file name corresponding to the standard input.

Note that inclusion can be suppressed by using ‘\'' instead of ‘\.', i.e.

́so /usr/lib/tmac.s

A sample usage of soelim would be

soelim exum?.n | tbl | nroff -ms | col | lpr

The options are as follows:

Add the specified directory to the search path for input files.


colcrt(1), more(1)


The soelim command appeared in 3.0BSD.


The format of the source commands must involve no strangeness - exactly one blank must precede and no blanks follow the file name.
June 6, 1993 NetBSD 6.1