The K Desktop Environment

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4. Usage

To use ktalkd, you need a talk client. The text-based talk is available on most Unix systems. Try talk your_username to see what happens when you receive a talk request. You can also try the answering machine the same way : initiate a talk to yourself, ignore the announcement twice, and you'll see the answering machine.

There is a talk client with a graphical interface for the KDE, ktalk. It's not yet shipped with KDE packages, but you can find it on It should be in

The announcement dialog box is trivial : respond or ignore.

The configuration dialog should be rather straight forward, except for setting up a forward to another user (or even to another host).

4.1 Choosing a Forwarding Method

None is perfect, they all have pros (+) and cons (-).

FWA : Forward announcement only. Direct connection. Not recommended.

FWR : Forward all requests, changing info when necessary. Direct connection.

FWT : Forward all requests and take the talk. No direct connection.

In short, use FWT it you want to use it behind a firewall (and if ktalkd can access both networks), and FWR otherwise.

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