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5. Bugs and FAQ

Before sending bug reports, please check the problem with another X terminal to find out whether it is `konsole' specific or not.

5.1 Installation Related Problems

Konsole requieres some specific fonts that come along with it's distribution but are not installed due to the authors preference not claim root privileges during the installation process. You'll have to do this manually. See README.linux.console for details.

5.2 Application Related Problems

Some programs have flaws when run under a X console.

MC (midnight commander 4.1.21)

Vim 4.6

dselect (Debian package manager front end):

5.3 Broken Termcap and Terminfo Databases

Please be aware of the fact that most applications (those using ncurses) base their knowledge on how to talk to a terminal emulation on the information within a database. This might well be wrong. Again, you should experience likely problems then with other emulations.

So, for example:

5.4 Problems with BACKSPACE, DELETE and Likely Keyboard Issues.

Once upon a time there was a terminal without a delete key. This problem has been perpetuated in Linux and is still a never ending nightmare. It has been worked around separately in all programs that have to deal with these keys and they have now ended up to be configurable and therefore are likely to come in configured wrong. And so is konsole.

Konsole emits DEL (0x7f) for the BS key and ESC[3  for the DEL key if the `BS sends DEL' option is activated, and then behaves like a typically configured Linux console. Ctrl-H (0x08) is then left for the use of the application programs, e.g. typically configured emacs help.

When this options is not set, the BS key sends BS (0x08) and the DEL key sends DEL (0x7f), as regular VT100s and IBM PCs do.

[ Since every program can be configured BS=BS, DEL=DEL, and the poor terminal without delete key mentioned above exists today only in legends, the author wonders why this BS hack is still around. ]

ctrl-^ == ctrl-  == ctrl-` == RS == 0x1e cannot be typed with an european keyboard map loaded, since all three base characters are prefixes (i.e. are eventually to be continued with a second character). X11 is known to have these dead keys.

5.5 Color Scheme

Because of a storm of complaints about the color scheme, konsole offers configurable color schemes in it's latest versions. A proper document on them is still missing.

5.6 Fonts

(Slightly outdated, check README.linux.console)

5.7 Security

Konsole is not intented to be installed root-suid. Don't do it. Konsole drops privileges immediately after being started.

Secure keyboard (X11) is not implemented which means that other X11 applications can get the keyevents from konsole, if they want. Beware of trojan horses.

konsole uses the separate konsole_grantpty to chown the slave tty to prevent eavesdroping your sessions in a multiuser environment. Make sure to have this program installed root-suid.

5.8 Known Bugs

5.9 Features That Will Not Be Implemented.

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