The K Desktop Environment

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10. Troubleshooting

10.1 ``Can not find symbol'' error.

This may happen if your X server has loaded non-Latin or unusual symbols before kikbd starts.

Beginning with version 1.0b1, you can predefine symbols in the Advanced Options configuration dialog for fixing this problem. ( This feature not currently available )

10.2 Screen-saver password problems.

This problem might appear when your favorite screen saver starts while a national keyboard is active. The solution is to use KDE screen-savers with the default (first in the list) English keyboard. kikbd automatically switches the keyboard map to the default, when one of KDE's screen-savers opens a password dialog.

The other solution is to use Alternate Latin symbols in all your keyboard maps. Then you can type a password using the Alternate Switch key.

10.3 Bug reporting

Please report bugs at

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