The K Desktop Environment

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5. Dialog boxes

5.1 Print

The Printer Name can be entered in the appropriate text field to choose the destination to send your document. The Pages to be printed can be selected from the combo box. The options are

5.2 View control

This dialog allows you to set the magnification factor, orientaion and media used for the view of your document. You can leave the dialog open and apply changes repeatedly.


Select the magnification of the document from the combo box. Your can scale a page from 20% to 300% from its default size.


The options are

  • Portrait
  • Landscape
  • Upside down
  • Seascape


Media defined in the document appear at the start of the list.

5.3 Info

Shows the file name, title and creation date of the document.

5.4 Go to page

Allows you to select the section and page number of the page you want to display.

5.5 Configure key bindings

Allows you to change the keys that are bound to PostScript viewer actions.

5.6 Configure interpreter

The Configure interpreter dialog is comprised of three sections:

  1. The General section.
  2. The Palette options.
  3. The Backing style.


One may edit the interpreter name which is by default set to gs suitable for most systems. One may also check any combination of three options.

Set Antialiasing for smoothly rendered text. Performing antialiasing is memory intensive and slower than a straightforward rendering of fonts. If short of memory or time you may wish to turn this option off. Early versions of Ghostscript could not perform antialiasing.

Check Platform fonts if you wish to use your native window system fonts rather than the fonts that come with your PostScript interpreter. Recent versions of Ghostscript come with good quality fonts.

Turn Messages on if you want to be informed of any output or error messages generated by your PostScript interpreter.


You may choose the palette to be used to render your PostScript document. The options are


You have the choice of two methods to maintain the contents of a page in the viewer once it has been rendered by your PostScript interpreter. These are

One method may be faster on your X server than the other. Also, some X servers do not offer a backing store.

5.7 Ghostscript messages

Displays error or general output messages from Ghostscript.

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