VSM Help Information for Printer Manager

Note: The information contained in this article is structured as help information for Visual Systems Management: Print Manager and is not intended for use as a procedural or conceptual article.

Attachment Type

Contains the various types of printer or queue attachments that are available on your system. Examples of some common types are local, remote, Xstation, device file, and other, which allows you to define a custom backend program.

Sort Order (Sort by Name)

Specify the order in which to sort: ascending (lowest value to highest value) or descending (highest value to lowest value).

Search String (Find)

The Find command highlights those objects in the work area that you specify with a search string.

Enter the search string to find, or click on the List button and select from the list. Search string must a regular expression supported by the grep command.

Include or Exclude Matches?

Specify whether to include or exclude matching strings. The included or excluded objects will be highlighted in the work area.

Search String (Filter)

The Filter command displays only those objects in the work area that you specify with a search string.

Enter the search string to use as a filter, or click on the List button and select from the list. Search string must a regular expression supported by the grep command.