SMIT Help Information for Remote Customer Support

Note: The information contained in this article is structured as help information for the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) and is not intended for use as a procedural or conceptual article.

Connection Name

Identifies the Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) connection to be added. This identifier can be no more than 20 characters long.

Connection Description

Contains a brief text description of the Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) connection being added. This description can be no more than 40 characters long.

Remote Host Names (or dotted decimal addresses)

Specifies a list of remote hosts that users can connect to over this Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) connection. The SLIP daemon will add routes to the hosts specified in this list. The names or dotted decimal addresses in this list must be separated by at least one space character. In the dotted decimal format, the 32-bit address is divided into four 8-bit fields. The value of each field is specified as a decimal number, and the fields are separated by periods (for example,

Internet Address of LOCAL host

Specifies the Internet address of the local host on the Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) interface. Internet addresses are commonly entered in dotted decimal format, where the 32-bit address is divided into four 8-bit fields. The value of each field is specified as a decimal number, and the fields are separated by periods (for example, If the network dynamically assigns IP addresses, you may have to reconfigure this address.

Internet Address of DIALED host

Specifies the Internet address of the host that will be dialed. This host may route Internet Protocol (IP) packets to a remote server. Internet addresses are commonly entered in dotted decimal format, where the 32-bit address is divided into four 8-bit fields. The value of each field is specified as a decimal number and the fields are separated by periods (for example, If the network dynamically assigns IP addresses, you may have to reconfigure this address.

Network Mask (hexadecimal or dotted decimal)

Designates part of the host ID field of an Internet address to be used for routing information through a subnetwork. The network mask is a 32-bit character pattern that you can denote in a hexadecimal or dotted decimal format.

TTY Port Used For SLIP Connection

Specifies which tty port should be used for the Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) connection. A list function is available for this field. The list function generates the option list with the lsdev command.

Baud Rate

Specifies the effective modem speed in bits/second. A list function is available for this field. Baud rates of 1200, 1800, 2400, 3600, 4800, 7200, 9600, 19200, 38400, and 57600 are supported. V.32bis/V.42bis modems, while having a raw bit pump of 14.4 KBP/sec, can achieve effective baud rates of 57600 due to data compression.

Dial String

Contains the actual dialing instructions for the modem, used to establish a communication link with another modem. These instructions are a sequence of blank-separated expect-send strings. An expect-send string is a list of characters a modem should expect to receive from a remote system, followed by the characters the modem should send to the remote system after the expected input.

Remote Host Name (or dotted decimal address)

Specifies the name of the remote host to be contacted.

User Name

Specifies the name of the user to be added. The name must be that of a valid &Symbol.AIX; user.


Describes the user profile used to login to &Symbol.IBMLink;. Only configured &Symbol.IBMLink; user profiles are displayed. If no &Symbol.IBMLink; profiles are configured for the user, an error message is displayed.

Emulator Selection

Specifies the emulator type used by an individual added to the &Symbol.IBMLink; User Profile. Valid choices are either telnet or HCON.

IBMLINK Hostname (or dotted decimal address)

Contains the &Symbol.IBMLink; host name. The fully qualified domain name should be used. This name is stored in the name server or in the /etc/hosts file. Optionally, the &Symbol.IBMLink; dotted-decimal Internet Protocol address can be used. The 32-bit address is divided into four 8-bit fields. The value of each field is specified as a decimal number, and the fields are separated by periods (for example,

HCON Sessions to Start

Specifies which HCON sessions should be started when the user being added to the &Symbol.IBMLink; User Profile attempts to connect to &Symbol.IBMLink;. Multiple sessions can be selected from this list. HCON session names can optionally be separated with blank spaces. The blank spaces must be removed when invoking the emulator.

User Name

Specifies the name of the user to be changed or shown. The list function displays a list of all configured remote customer support users.

User Name

Specifies the name of the user to be removed from the system. The list function displays a list of all configured remote customer support users.

Remote Customer Support and Services

You can access remote customer support systems. You can also configure user profiles and manage Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) connections to those remote systems.

Administrator Functions

You can manage user profiles, add SLIP connections, change SLIP connections, remove SLIP connections and manage the SLIP connection subsystem. You must have root authority to perform any administration functions other than listing or browsing the configuration data.

User Profiles

You can add a user profile, change a user profile or remove a user profile.

Add a User Profile

Allows you to configure a user of a remote customer support system. Only configured users will be able to access the remote system from SMIT.

Change/Show a User Profile

Allows you to customize the characteristics the characteristics of an existing user profile.

Remove a User Profile

Allows you to remove an existing user profile.

Select a Remote Service

Allows you to select a remote customer support system that the user will connect to using this profile.

Select a Connection Type

Allows you to select the communication protocol that will be used to connect to the remote customer support system.

User Name

Specifies the name of the user associated with this profile.

Connection Type (note that this field is on all the user profiles)

Specifies the communication protocol that will be used to connect to the remote customer support system.

List All SLIP Connections

Lists all SLIP connections that have been configured to access remote customer support systems.

Add a SLIP Connection

Allows you to add a new SLIP connection profile.

Connection Timeout

Specifies the maximum amount of time (in seconds) that the SLIP subsystem will attempt try to make a connection to a remote system before aborting. The minimum value is 30 seconds.

Change/Show Characteristics of the SLIP Connection

Allows you to customize the characteristics of an existing SLIP connection profile.

Remove a SLIP Connection

Allows you to remove an SLIP connection profile.

SLIP Connection Subsystem Control

Allows you to manage the SLIP subserver. The SLIP subserver handles all requests to connect, disconnect and reconfigure SLIP links to remote customer support systems. You must start this subsystem prior to connecting to any SLIP links.

Start the SLIP Connection Subsystem

Allows you to start the SLIP connection subsystem.

Stop the SLIP Connection Subsystem

Allows you to stop the SLIP connection subsystem.

Disconnect a SLIP connection

Allow you to disconnect a SLIP connection to a remote system. The SLIP connection will be disconnected regardless of the number of people currently using that connection.

User Functions

Allows you to modify your login profiles to a remote customer support system. These profiles must be initially created by your administrator.

Connect SLIP Link

Allows you to connect to a remote customer support system using one of the SLIP links configured by your administrator.

Reconfigure SLIP address

Some network vendors dynamically assign your IP addresses at the time you connect to their network. If your network vendor does this, then you can use this option to reconfigure your SLIP link after you have successfully connected to their network. Your new IP addresses will appear somewhere in the results of your request to connect a SLIP link. Since there is no standard method for reporting IP addresses that are dynamically assigned, each network vendor may do this differently.

Login to IBM link

Allows you to login to IBMLink using one of the user profiles created by your administrator.

Disconnect SLIP link

Allows you to unregister yourself as a user of a SLIP link that you previously connected. When there are no more registered users of a SLIP link, the SLIP Connection Subsystem will disconnect it.

Disconnect a SLIP Link (popup selection list)

Select the SLIP link you want disconnected.