SMIT Help Information for Ptools and Set Date and Time

Note: The information contained in this article is structured as help information for the System Management Information Tool (SMIT) and is not intended for general reading.

Broadcast Message to all Users

Writes a message to all users that are logged in.


If the Message parameter is not specified, the wall command reads a Message from standard input until it reaches an end-of-file character. The message is then sent to all logged in users.

The message is preceded by the following heading:

Broadcast Message from user

Show System Level

Displays the name of the current operating system.

Displays the name of the current operating system.

Display ALL the options

Displays all information specified with the -m, -n, -r, -s, and -v flags.

Display the LAN NETWORK number?

Displays the LAN network number.

Display the type of HARDWARE running the system?

Displays the machine ID number of the hardware running the system

Display the name of the NODE?

Displays the name of the node. This may be a name the system is known by to a UUCP communications network.

Display the RELEASE number of the operating system?

Displays the release number of the operating system.

Display the SYSTEM name?

Displays the system name. This flag is on by default.

Display the operating system VERSION?

Displays the operating system version.

Writes messages to system logs and manages them.
