SMIT Help Information for Processes

Note: The information contained in this article is structured as help information for the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) and is not intended for use as a procedural or conceptual article.

Resource Controls

You can remove a process, set the initial priority of a process, change the initial priority of a process, or set the run level of the system.

Show Process Status

Lists all active processes on the system, ordered on the process ID.

Remove a Process

Allows you to remove an active process using either the SIGTERM or SIGKILL signal.


Specifies which signal to user to remove the process: SIGTERM or SIGKILL.


Specifies the process ID to be acted on.

Specifies the process ID to be acted on.

Set Initial Priority of a Process

Allows you to run a process (any command) at a higher or lower priority. You can specify a higher priority only if you are a root user.

Change Initial Priority of a Process

Allows you change the priority of process that is already running. You can raise the priority of a running process only if you are a root user.


You can show all active process or remove a process.

Schedule Jobs

Provides a menu you can use to defer the execution of a command or process.

When you schedule a job, the at command reads the commands from standard input and waits until the scheduled time to execute them.

Schedule a Job

The at command reads from standard input the names of commands to be run at a later time and allows you to specify when the commands should be run.

The at command reads from standard input the names of commands to be run at a later time and allows you to specify when the commands should be run.


Specifies the last two numbers of the year in which the job is scheduled to run.


Specifies the month in which the job is scheduled to run. Choose a month from the list.


Specifies the day of the month (in decimal form of 01 to 31) on which the job is scheduled to run.


Specifies the hour of the day in which the job is scheduled to run.


Specifies the minutes past the hour in which the job is scheduled to run (00 to 59).


Specifies the seconds past the minutes in which the job is scheduled to run (00 to 59).


Specifies the type of shell in which the job is scheduled to run. Choose an option from the list: ksh (Korn shell), sh (Bourne shell), or csh (C shell).

Scheduled Jobs

Displays all jobs currently scheduled on this system.

Displays all jobs currently scheduled on this system.

Remove a Job from the Schedule

Removes jobs that have been scheduled for this system.

Note: If you are not logged in as the root user, you can remove only those jobs you have scheduled.

Removes jobs that have been scheduled for this system.

Note: If you are not logged in as the root user, you can remove only those jobs you have scheduled.

Removes jobs that have been scheduled for this system.

Note: If you are not logged in as the root user, you can remove only those jobs you have scheduled.

Remove a Process

Sends a signal to running processes.

Sends a signal to running processes.

Set Initial Priority of a Process

Runs a command at a specified priority.


Can range from -20 to 20, with 20 being the lowest priority.


Command is the name of any executable file on the system.

Show All Current Processes

Shows current status of processes.

Shows current status of processes.

Alter the Priority of a Running Process

Alters priority of running processes.


You can alter the priority of any process and set the priority to any value in the range -20 to 20, with 20 being the lowest priority.

050917. KT, Nov. 93 (reintegrated Feb. 94)


Show all Current Processes and Threads

Shows the current status of all processes, with thread information if requested.

Bind a Process to a Processor

Forces a given process to run only on a given processor.

Process ID

Specifies the process identifier of the process to bind.

Processor ID

Logical processor number.

Unbind a Process

Unbinds a previously bound process, allowing it to run on any processor.

Process ID

Specifies the process identifier of the process to unbind.