SMIT Help Information for Print Recovery

"Note: The information contained in this article is structured as help information for the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) and is not intended for use as a procedural or conceptual article."

Printer Intervention Selection

Specify the recovery mechanism for a print queue that has gone down.

Run Script

Run a user-defined script to recover a print queue.

Send Mail

Notify a particular user by e-mail when a specific queue goes down.


Enable the print queue after a period of time. When the print queue starts back up, the job which failed is tried again. This is particularly useful in cases where jobs fail due to a temporary condition that is resolved within the timeout specified.


Specify the name of the print queue.

User Defined SCRIPT to invoke

Enter the full pathname of the user-defined script that should be run if this queue goes down.

USER to notify

Specify which user is to receive e-mail if this print queue goes down.

DELAY (in minutes)

Specify the number of minutes to wait before the print queue is restarted. The number of minutes must be a positive integer. If a zero is entered, the job is tried again after one minute.

Number of RETRIES

Enter the maximum number of attempts that the system should automatically make to re-enable a print queue that has gone down.