SMIT Help Information for Spooler and Print Jobs

Note: The information contained in this article is structured as help information for the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) and is not intended for general reading.

Start a Print Job

Starts a print job by submitting the job to a print queue.

Print File

Select the type of file that you want to print.

Note: The pass-through option provides no filtering of the print file. It may be selected if the application that generated the print file has already included all necessary printer commands in the print file.

Print QUEUE name

Specifies the print queue name. If no name is entered, your default queue is used. Use the List feature to select from a list of the available queues.

Name of FILE to print

Enter the name of the file to be printed. To print more than one file, separate each file name with a space. The files together make up a single print job, and are printed in the order they are entered in the space provided.

Number of Copies

Specifies the number of copies to be printed.

COPY FILE and print from copy?

Used for local print jobs only. Select yes to copy the file and print from copy. The default is no (the file is not copied for printing). The file to be printed is always copied for remote printing.

REMOVE FILE after print job completes?

Select yes to delete the file after it has printed. The default option, no, does not delete the file after it has printed.


Separator (burst) pages are the header and trailer page for print jobs. If chosen for each file, then the header file and/or trailer pages are printed for each file within the print job. If chosen for the job, header/trailer pages are only printed at the beginning and end of the job.


Specifies the text used to identify the recipient of the print job. If no value is entered, the user ID of the user who submitted the print job is used.

TEXT to display on console before printing job

Enter a message to be displayed on the console when the print job is assigned to a printer and ready to begin printing. The print job does not proceed until the message is acknowledged at the console.

MAIL MESSAGES instead of displaying them?

Specifies that messages generated by your print job should be mailed to you, even if you are logged on. If no is specified and you are logged in, a message generated by your print job will be displayed on the screen rather than being mailed to you.

FILE to display on console before printing job

Enter the filename that contains the message text to be displayed on the console when the print job is assigned a printer and ready to begin printing. The print job does not proceed until the message is acknowledged at the console.

Send notification of job status?

Specifies whether you want to receive a message when the print job completes.

Specifies whether you want to receive a message when the print job completes.

Print job PRIORITY

The priority level is a number assigned to a print job that specifies in which order the job is printed. The priority level can be any whole number from 0 to 30. The default priority level (number) is 15. The maximum priority level for ordinary users is 20. The maximum priority level for users with root authority is 30. The larger numbers indicate higher priorities. Priority can be changed only on local print jobs.


Specifies the text used as the title for the print job.

Manage Print Jobs

Allows you to cancel jobs, show the status of jobs, prioritize jobs, hold or release jobs, or move jobs between print queues.

Cancel a Print Job

Cancels a particular print job from a print queue.

PRINT QUEUE containing job (required for remote jobs)

Specifies the name of a print queue containing the job to be canceled. Use the List feature to select from a list of queues. If the print job is located on a remote print server, you must give the name of the local print queue (in addition to the print job number) to cancel it.


Enter the job number of the print job, or use the List feature to select from a list of print jobs.

Show the Status of Print Jobs

Displays the status of all print jobs in a specified print queue or all print queues. If desired, job status can be limited to a specified job or to jobs submitted by a specific user.

PRINT QUEUE name (*for all queues)

Only print jobs in the specified print queue will be displayed. Use the List feature to select from a list of queues. Specify an * (asterisk) to display jobs in all queues. To further qualify the list of jobs whose status is to be displayed, also specify a value for print job number or print job owner.


Enter the job number of the print job.


Enter the name of the user who submitted the print jobs.

Prioritize a Print Job

Sets the priority for a print job in a local print queue. Job priority determines the order in which jobs in the queue are printed.

Print JOB NUMBER (from the Prioritize a Print Job menu)

Enter the job number of the print job, or use the List feature to select from a list of print jobs.

Hold/Release Print Jobs

Holds a print job thus preventing the job from printing, or releases a print job that was previously held, making it available for printing.

Hold or Release jobs

Specifies whether to hold or release print jobs. Print jobs in the held state will not print until they are released.


Specifies the job number to hold or release. Use the List feature to select from a list of print jobs.


Specifies the name of the print queue to hold or release. Use the List feature to select from a list of print queues. If you are not a root user, only the jobs in the queue that were submitted by you will be held or released. If you are a root user, all jobs in the queue will be held or released, unless you also specify a value for print job owner.

Note that when you specify a job number or job owner (you must specify one or the other) and you do not specify a print queue, jobs will be held or released for all queues.


Specifies which user's print jobs to hold or release. Use the List feature to select from a list of print job owners. If you are not a root user, you can hold or release only jobs submitted by yourself, so no value for print job owner need be entered to hold or release your jobs. If you are a root user, all jobs will be held or released, unless you enter a value for print job owner to indicate which user's jobs should be held or released.

Note that if you specify a print job owner but do not specify a print queue, all jobs belonging to the specified user in all the queues will be held or released. If you do not specify a print job owner, you must specify a value for either print job number or print queue name.

Move a Job Between Print Queues

Move a particular job, all of a user's jobs, or all jobs on a print queue to another print queue.


Specifies the print job to be moved. Use the List feature to select from a list of print jobs.


P>Specifies the name of the print queue from which to move print jobs. Use the List feature to select from a list of print queues. If you are not a root user, only the jobs in the queue that were submitted by you will be moved. If you are a root user, all jobs in the queue will be moved, unless you also specify a value for print job owner.

Note that when you specify a job number or job owner (you must specify one or the other) and you do not specify a print queue, jobs will be moved from all queues.


Specifies which user's print jobs are to be moved. Use the List feature to select from a list of print job owners. If you are not a root user, you can move only jobs that you submitted, so no value for print job owner need be entered to move your jobs. If you are a root user, all jobs will be moved, unless you enter a value for print job owner to indicate which user's jobs should be moved.

Note that if you specify a print job owner but do not specify a print queue, all jobs belonging to the specified user in all the queues will be moved. If you do not specify a print job owner, you must specify a value for either print job number or print queue name.

List All Queues

Displays a list of all the print queues and their associated printers. The SMIT fast path for this option is lsallq.

Manage Print Queues

You can start and stop print queues, show the status of print queues, and change the system's default print queue.

Show Status of Print Queues

Shows the current status of all local print queues and, optionally, the status of destination queues on remote print servers.

Include status of print queues on remote servers?

Including the status of print queues on remote servers requires additional time to generate the print queue status because each server must be polled for status. Also, if a server does not respond to the status request, more time is spent waiting for the server to respond before finally concluding that the server is not available.

If including the status of print queues on remote servers is not selected, the output will still include a line for the local queue that is directed to the remote server, but will not include a line showing the status of the destination queue on the remote server.

Stop a Queue

Specifies that a print queue be stopped (brought down). Jobs can still be submitted to the print queue, but no more jobs will be sent to the printer.

QUEUE name(from the Start a Queue and Stop a Queue menus)

Specifies the name of the print queue to be started or stopped. Use the List feature to display a list of available queues.


Specifies the name of the print queue to be started or stopped. Use the List feature to display a list of available queues.

Start a Queue

Specifies that a print queue be started (brought up). Queued jobs will be sent to the printer.


Set System's Default Print Queue

Change the system wide default print queue. This will be the default print queue for each user unless the user sets the PRINTER or LPDEST environment variable to a print queue name.


Specifies the print queue name to be used as the system wide default print queue. Use the List feature to select from a list of print queues. This setting can be overridden by the LPDEST and PRINTER environment variables.

Add a Print Queue

Adds a print queue to the system configuration and creates the associated spooler queue device, virtual printer, and printer device definition.

Adds a local queue to the system configuration.

local (Printer Attached to Local Host)

Select the attachment type that indicates how the printer is connected.

Printer Type

Printer Type

Printer Support Not Installed

The printer you selected cannot be configured until the AIX software support for the printer is installed. To install the printer support package, press Enter, and then respond to the prompt for the input device or directory where the installable packages are located.

After you have installed the printer support package, you can add a print queue for the printer from the Print Spooling menu.

Name of new PRINT QUEUE to add

The print queue name can be a maximum of 20 characters in length and may consist of any combination of the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, '_' (underscore), '-' (minus), '+' (plus), and '@' (at).

Printer connection characteristics

Specifies the printer communication parameters.

Type of Remote Printing

Select the desired type of remote printing:

Add a Standard Remote Print Queue

Adds a print queue for sending print jobs to a remote print server that supports the lpd remote print protocol.

DESTINATION HOST for remote jobs

The name of the remote host where the destination print queue is located.

Name of QUEUE on remote printer

The name of the destination queue on the remote print server.

TYPE of print spooler on remote server

This information is used to interpret status messages from the remote server.

Add a Remote Print Queue with NFS Access

Adds a print queue for sending print jobs to a remote print server that is running AIX Version 4 and has exported the directory /var/spool/lpd/pio/@local. When using SMIT to start print jobs for the print queue, SMIT displays all the default print job options, and accepts override values for any of the options. Most override values for print job options can be validated immediately when a job is submitted, instead of having to wait until the job is actually printed.

Printer DEVICE on the remote server

Specifies the printer to be used on the remote server. To determine the printer name, enter smit lspq at a command line on the server to see a list of all the server's print queues and their associated printers. Specify the printer name that is displayed on the same line as the destination print queue.


Provides a short text description of the printer.

Remote server characteristics

The following items identify and describe the remote print server where print jobs will be sent.

Send Pass-Though Flag to Queue on Remote Server

Because the print files will be filtered locally before being sent to the server, they should not be filtered again by the server. To prevent the server from filtering the files, the pass-through option (equivalent to specifying the -l flag with the lpr command) will be sent to the server with each print job.

However, if the server will not recognize the pass-through option, specify no for this parameter, and create a new print queue on the server. Configure the new queue on the server as a pass-through queue (refer to the documentation for the server machine to determine how to accomplish this).

Xstation NAME

Xstation NAME

Specify the name of the Xstation to which the printer is attached. Use the List feature to select from a list of Xstations.

Xstation Type

Choose the type of Xstation to which the printer is attached.

TTY Name

Select the TTY to which the printer will be attached.


Select whether this system should be configured as a BOOTP/TFTP server for the JetDirect card.

A JetDirect card requires network configuration data (the card's IP address, subnet mask, and so on) to communicate with the host system over the network. The card must obtain this data each time the printer is turned on.

The card can get this data from either a BOOTP/TFTP server on the network or from parameters entered manually using the front panel of the printer and saved in nonvolatile memory on the card. When shipped from the factory, the card is set to get network configuration data from the network.

If you make this system a BOOTP/TFTP server, an entry will be placed in /etc/bootptab defining the printer for the network. Ensure that the following line in /etc/inetd.conf is not commented out:

bootps dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/bootpd ...

The system will recognize the network query generated by the card each time the printer is turned on. It will respond by sending the appropriate network configuration data to the card.

You do not need to make this system a BOOTP/TFTP server if:

Add a Print Queue Dialog (PORT field name)

Specify the port number to be used to connect to the network peripheral. For the Hewlett-Packard EX Plus3 print server, use network port 9100 for parallel port 1, 9101 for parallel port 2, and 9103 for parallel port 3. If you want to use another port number, specify the default port 9100 to make the queue, and then edit the "

backend=" statement for that queue in the /etc/qconfig file..

HOSTNAME of the JetDirect Card

Enter the hostname of the printer. This must be a valid hostname defined by either a domain name server or in the /etc/hosts file.

HARDWARE ADDRESS of the JetDirect Card

Enter the LAN hardware address of the JetDirect Card. This can be found on the printer's self-test page.


The gateway address names the gateway to which packets are addressed. This address indicates the next gateway in the path; further gateways may be involved in delivering the packet. Enter the gateway address in dotted decimal form (for example,


The subnet mask tells the system what the subnet partitioning scheme is. This bit mask consists of the network address portion and the subnet address portion of the Internet address. The subnet mask is a set of 4 bytes, just like the Internet address. The subnet mask consists of high bits (1s) corresponding to the bit positions of the network and subnetwork address, and low bits (0s) corresponding to the bit positions of the host address.

File Name

Create a queue that prints to a file in the /dev directory.

Name of existing FILE in /dev directory

Specify a filename where print job output will be sent. This file must currently exist and be located in the /dev directory. The file may be either a regular file or a special file. Standard I/O is used for the output to the file.

NAME of device to add

The queue device name can be a maximum of 20 characters in length and may consist of any combination of the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, '_' (underscore), '-' (minus), '+' (plus), and '@' (at).

By convention, the queue device name is the same as the device name (examples: lp0, tty0).


Specifies the path name to the backend program that the qdaemon command runs for the device.

ACTIVATE the queue?

Select yes to activate the queue (up). To deactivate a queue (down), select no.

Should this become the DEFAULT queue?

Select yes to make the queue the system default queue. If the queue is not to be the system default queue, select no (the default selection).


Enter the path name of the accounting file. The login number, login name and number of pages printed for each print request sent to the queue are logged in this file. Select FALSE (the default) if you do not want to specify an accounting file. For accounting to occur, the specified backend program must support accounting.


To redirect output from the backend program to a file, enter a path name for the file. If you do not want to redirect backend output to a file, enter FALSE. If you are creating a remote queue, do not enter a value.

ACCESS MODE of backend output file

Specify the type of access the backend is to have to the backend output file. The write option specifies that the backend has write-only access to the file. The both option specifies that the backend has both read and write access to the file. The default option for most printers is write. If you are creating a remote queue, do not enter a value.

Print HEADER pages?

Determines when header pages are printed. The never option suppresses header page printing. The always option prints a header page before each file, whether the files are sent individually or as part of a multiple-file print request (job). The group option prints a header page before each print request. For header pages to occur, the specified backend program must support trailer pages.

Print TRAILER pages?

Determines when trailer pages are printed. The never option suppresses trailer page printing. The always option prints a trailer page after each file, whether the files are sent individually or as part of a multiple-file print request (job). The group option prints a trailer page after each print request. For trailer pages to occur, the specified backend program must support header pages.

ALIGN pages between files within jobs?

Determines whether a form-feed control is sent before starting a print job if the printer has been idle. Selecting the yes option sends a form feed control to the printer. If you select no, the system does not send a form-feed control to the printer. For form-feed control to occur, the specified backend program must support header pages.

Number of FORM FEEDS prior to printing

The number of separator pages to print when the printer becomes idle. Enter a number. The default option, never, or a value of 0 specifies that separator pages are never printed. For separator pages to occur, the specified backend program must support header pages.

Add an Additional Printer to an Existing Print Queue

Adds another printer to a previously created print queue. Creates the spooler, queue device, virtual printer, and printer device definitions.

Name of DEVICE to add

QUEUE to which to attach device

Enter the name of the desired queue. Use the List feature to select from a list of existing queues.



Print TRAILER pages?

ALIGN pages between files within jobs?

Number of FORM FEEDS prior to printing


Select the printer language to be used for the printer being added to the print queue. Use the List feature to select from a list of printer languages that the printer supports. Generally, the printer language that you select should be the same as the printer language used for other printers already associated with the print queue.

The following section seems to be obsolete.

Change/Show Print Queue Characteristics

Displays the characteristics of a print queue, and changes those characteristics.


Specifies the name of the print queue you want to change or show. Use the List feature to display a list of available queues.

Type of Print Queue Characteristics

Select the type of print queue characteristics you want to show or change:

Printer Setup - Administrative parameters such as paper size, who to notify when printer intervention is needed, options for header and trailer pages, etc.

Default Print Job Attributes - Values assumed for print job attributes unless overridden when the job is submitted.

Accounting File - File where print job accounting information is written.

Queuing Discipline - Specifies the order in which queued print jobs are selected for printing.

PAPER SIZE for envelope tray

Specifies the envelope size.

Use the List feature to select from a list of envelope sizes.

FONT DISKETTE installed in printer

Identifies the font card in the font card slot. The font card identifier is a two-digit number located just above the arrow on the font card. Use the List feature to select from a list of font card identifiers.

FORMATTING FLAGS for header page

Specifies a string of formatting flags to be used when printing the separator page. The flags are a subset of the flags that can be specified with the qprt command.

String of flag letters identifying FLAGS TO

Specifies a string of alphanumeric flag letters that indicates which command line flags are to be prohibited for print jobs. If a print job specifies one or more of the prohibited flags, it will be rejected.

The flag names are the same as those used with the qprt command. The following flags cannot be prohibited: -c, -m, -n, -r, -B, -D, -M, -P, -R, -T. Other flags that are not defined for the particular printer type also cannot be prohibited.

Example: jJ (rejects print jobs with the -j or -J flags specified).

String of flag letters identifying FLAGS TO

Specifies a string of alphanumeric flag letters that indicates which command line flags are to be prohibited for print jobs. If a print job specifies one or more of the prohibited flags, it will be rejected.

The flag names are the same as those used with the qprt command. The following flags cannot be prohibited: -c, -m, -n, -r, -B, -D, -M, -P, -R, -T. Other flags that are not defined for the particular printer type also cannot be prohibited.

Example: jJ (rejects print jobs with the -j or -J flags specified).

String of flag letters identifying FLAGS TO

Specifies a string of alphanumeric flag letters that indicates which command line flags are to be prohibited for print jobs. If a print job specifies one or more of the prohibited flags, it will be rejected.

The flag names are the same as those used with the qprt command. The following flags cannot be prohibited: -c, -m, -n, -r, -B, -D, -M, -P, -R, -T. Other flags that are not defined for the particular printer type also cannot be prohibited.

Example: jJ (rejects print jobs with the -j or -J flags specified).

ID of font card in bottom font card slot

Specifies the ID of the font card in the bottom font card slot.

Does the PostScript option have AUTOMATIC MODE

Specifies whether the printer supports automatic switching between PostScript and the other printer languages (PPDS, PCL, and GL).

To determine if your printer supports automatic switching for PostScript, do either of the following:

(1) Check the version number of the PostScript interpreter, which is displayed on the PostScript start page that is printed automatically when the printer is turned on (unless the start page has been disabled). Version 52.3 or later of the PostScript interpreter supports automatic switching.

(2) Check the Introducing the PostScript Option section of the Guide to Operations manual that came with the PostScript option to see if Automatic emulation/mode switching is included in the list of features.

AUTOMATIC detection of print file TYPE to be done?

Specifies whether automatic detection of the print file type should be done. The system determines the type of print file by examining the first several characters of the file to see if the file begins with a 'magic' string that identifies the type of file.

Examples of strings that identify file types are '%!' for PostScript files, and 'x T' for troff (ditroff) intermediate output files. The types of print files automatically detected by the system depend on the printer language supported by the printer. If the file type cannot be identified, it is assumed to be an ASCII file.

NOTE: This value is ignored for print jobs submitted using the SMIT Start a Print Job function because SMIT requires that the print file type be explicitly specified when submitting a print job.

Default VERTICAL SPACING (lines per inch)

Specifies the default vertical spacing in lines per inch. This option changes the amount of space between lines. Larger values for this option will result in smaller spaces between lines of text.

ALIGN page if printer is idle

Specifies whether the paper in the printer should be aligned if the printer has been idle. A form feed will be issued before printing the current job if the printer has been idle.

Number of FORM FEEDS when printer goes idle

Specifies how many form feeds to issue when the printer goes idle. This option is useful if one or more blank pages must be ejected in order to tear off the printed output of a printer using continuous forms.

FONT DISKETTE installed in printer

Identifies the font diskette installed in the printer. Use the List feature to select from a list of font diskettes.

DELAY between print jobs of differing type (sec)

Specifies delay (in seconds) between print jobs of differing type. Increase the value to increase reliability (also decreases print speed).

Is the PostScript Cartridge Plus INSTALLED?

Indicates that the PostScript Cartridge Plus is installed in the printer. The PostScript Cartridge Plus supports automatic switching between the PostScript and PCL printer languages.

PRINTED LANGUAGE selected from the operator panel

Specifies the character set chosen from the operator panel of the printer. Use the List feature to select from a list of character sets.

ACTIVE CODE PAGE for the installed print band

Specifies the code page of the print band currently installed in the printer. Use the List feature to select from a list of code pages.

ID of font card installed in left font card slot

Identifies the font card in the font card slot. The last two digits of the part number printed on the font card are used to identify it. Use the List feature to select from a list of font card identifiers.

CODE PAGE 850 available?

Indicates whether code page 850 is available.


The value of this option determines the list of code pages that the printer can support.

PostScript option INSTALLED?

Specifies whether the optional PostScript feature has been installed on the printer.

What is the field name?

Specifies whether the optional 32Kbyte print buffer is installed in the printer (standard in Europe, Middle East, and Africa).

What is the field name?

Specifies whether to link the input paper drawers so that when the drawer being used becomes empty, the printer will automatically switch to the other drawer.

Start a Print Job

Specifies which output bin is used for the print job. Use the List feature to select from a list of output paper destinations.

PAGE NUMBER where printing should begin

Specifies the page number of the file where printing should begin. The print job will be printed starting from the specified page until the end of the document.

Print file TYPE

Specifies the type of print file. Use the List feature to select from a list of print file types.

Pre-processing FILTER NAME

Specifies a filter program to preprocess the print files. Use the List feature to select from a list of filter programs.


Specifies whether the printer should be initialized before the print job. Use the List feature to select from a list of options.

Number of columns to INDENT

Specifies the number of blank characters to be inserted at the beginning of each line of print output.


Specifies the type of conversion wanted for Line Feed and Carriage Return control characters. Use the List feature to select from the following list of conversion types, where CR represents Carriage Return, LF represents Line Feed, and VT represents Vertical Tab.

CR-)CR LF-)LF VT-)VT (no conversion)

CR-)CRLF (add Line Feed to each Carriage Return)

LF-)CRLF VT-)CRVT (add Carriage Return to each Line Feed and Vertical Tab).

CODE PAGE of print file

Specifies the code page of the print file. Use the List feature to select from a list of code pages.

LINES per page

Specifies the number of lines to be printed on each page. The vertical line spacing (number of lines per inch) will be adjusted as needed to print the specified number of lines within the printable area of the page.

COLUMNS per page

Specifies the page width in characters. Includes the specified number of columns to indent (if any).

LINE DENSITY (lines per inch)

Specifies the vertical line density in lines per inch. Use the List feature to select from a list of values for line density.


Specifies text to replace the hostname in the PRINTED AT: line on the header page for the print job.

What is the field name?

Specify the mode (PostScript, PCL, etc.) that the printer should be left in at the end of the print job. This can be useful when the printer is shared by another host that expects to find the printer in a specific mode.

DUPLEX output

Indicates whether the print job is to be printed in duplex (print on both sides of the paper). Use the List feature to select from a list of options.


Indicates whether the print job is to use condensed print.

PITCH (characters per inch)

Indicates the pitch (characters per inch) to be used by the print job. Use the List feature to select from a list of values.


Indicates the type style, or typeface, to be used by the print job. Use the List feature to select from a list of type styles.


Indicates whether unidirectional printing is wanted. If this option is selected, the print head on the printer will print only when it is moving in one direction (for example, left-to-right), instead of printing while moving in either direction.

Generally, unidirectional printing produces higher quality print output but results in a slower print speed.


Specifies whether a blank line should be added after each printed line.

Continuous DOUBLE WIDE?

Indicates that the print job is to use continuous double-wide print.

CODE PAGE of printer

The code page, or symbol set, that the printer expects the print files to be in. Print files will (unless pass-through is selected) be converted to the specified code page before being sent to the printer. Use the List feature to select from a list of code pages.


Specifies the color to be used for the print job. Use the List feature to select from a list of colors.

LINES per page

Specifies the maximum number of lines per page for the PostScript output produced when converting ASCII files to PostScript so they can be printed on a PostScript printer. Depending on the point size, the actual number of lines printed on each page may be smaller.

User defined filter 4

Specifies a sh command string to filter the print file before doing normal print file filtering. The filter can read the print file from Standard Input (or, if necessary, reference the file name directly with %I@1), and must write the filtered output to Standard Output. Any output to Standard Error will send an error message to the print job submitter and terminate the print job after the current file.

To select a user defined pre-processing filter when submitting a print job, specify:

lpr -1 ... or qprt -f1 ... (user defined filter 1)

lpr -2 ... or qprt -f2 ... (user defined filter 2)

(and so on).

Change/Show Printer Setup

Display or modify administrative parameters.

Print queue name

Specifies the name of the print queue to change.

Change/Show Default Print Job Attributes

Displays the values assumed for print job attributes unless overridden when a print job is started. The values can be modified as needed.

Change/Show Accounting File Name

Display or modify the file name where accounting information is logged.


Specify the full path name of an existing file where accounting data for this print queue can be logged. If accounting is not wanted, specify a value of FALSE.

The pac command can be used to generate reports from the accounting data stored in the file.

Change/Show Queuing Discipline

Change or show the method used to order print jobs in the queue.


Specifies the order of print jobs in the queue. Use the List feature to select from a list of queuing disciplines. The selected queuing discipline applies to all printers associated with the print queue.

Change/Show Printer Connection Characteristics

Displays or modifies the parameters associated with printer port connections, such as port number, baud rate, parity, and so on.

Local Printer (choose)

Select a printer from the list. Information about the printer is presented in four columns: device name, device state, device location code, and device description.


Select the name of the desired Xstation printer from the list. Xstation printer names are of the form PortName@XstationName, where XstationName identifies the Xstation to which the printer is connected, and PortName identifies the specific Xstation serial port where the printer is connected. Depending on the Xstation model and which serial port the printer is connected to, PortName will be s, s1, s2, s3, or s4.

No printers connected to Xstation parallel ports will be listed because there are no parallel port characteristics to show or change.

Xstation name

Name of the Xstation to which the printer is attached.

Port Number

Identifies the Xstation serial port. Depending on the Xstation model, possible values are s, s1, s2, and s3.

Remove a Print Queue

Removes a print queue from the system configuration. Also removes the associated spooler queue device, virtual printer, and printer device definition.

Or, if a print queue has more than one printer, removes a printer from the print queue.


Specifies the name of the print queue you want to remove. Use the List feature to select from a list of queues.

Printer to Remove

The print queue you selected to remove has more than one printer. Select which printer you want removed from the queue. The print queue itself will not be removed.

When only one printer remains with the print queue, you can then remove the queue (and its remaining printer).

Local Printer Device

Specifies the device name of the printer device used by the print queue.

KEEP the local printer device

Specifies whether to keep the printer device definition. No other print queues use this printer device, so if you select no (the default), the printer device definition will be removed.

If you select yes, the printer device definition remains defined, and if it is currently configured, it will remain configured. You may want to keep the printer device definition if you plan to create a new print queue that uses the printer.

With either choice, the spooler queue, the spooler queue device, and the virtual printer are removed.

Manage Print Server

Configures this machine as a print server. Allows you to control which clients have print access to this machine, list clients with print access, add and remove clients, and start and stop the server subsystem.

List all Remote Clients with Print Access

Show all client machines that can access print queues on this machine.

Add Print Access for a Remote Client

Allows a remote client machine to send print jobs and queue status requests to any print queue on this machine.


Hostname of the client machine whose access to print queues on this machine is being added or removed. Use the List feature to select from a list of client machines that currently have access.

Remove Print Access for a Remote Client

P>Removes a client machine's access to print queues on this machine. Print jobs and print queue status requests will no longer be accepted from the client machine.

Start the Print Server Subsystem

Makes the print server subsystem available to client machines.

Start subsystem now, on system restart or both

Choosing system restart adds an entry to the /etc/inittab file so that the lpd daemon will automatically start after a system restart. Choosing now causes the daemon to be started immediately, but no entry is made in the /etc/inittab file.

TRACE lpd daemon activity to syslog?

Can be used for problem determination.

EXPORT directory containing print attributes?

Specifying yes will cause the /var/spool/lpd/pio/@local directory to be NFS exported. This directory contains the print attributes for the print queues on this machine. Client machines running AIX Version 4 will then be able to NFS-mount the directory when they create remote print queues that send print jobs to this print server machine.

When users on the client machines use SMIT to start print jobs destined for this print server machine, SMIT will be able to display the appropriate default print job options for the specific print queue. The client machine will also be able to validate override values specified by the user for print job options and immediately report any problems detected. Otherwise, problems with the override values for print job options may not be discovered until when the job is printed by the print server.

Stop the Print Server Subsystem

Makes the print server subsystem unavailable to client machines.

Stop subsystem now, on system restart or both

P>Choosing system restart removes the lpd daemon entry in the /etc/inittab file. After a system restart, the lpd daemon will no longer be available. Choosing now halts the daemon immediately (if there is an entry in /etc/inittab for the lpd daemon, it will be restarted automatically after a system restart).

Programming Tools

Low-level utilities for manipulating databases and filters.

Note: Use of these low-level utilities is not recommended unless you have a specific need for them and you understand in sufficient detail how the AIX printing system is implemented. Indiscriminate use of the utilities may result in print queues, or other parts of the AIX printing system, becoming inoperative.

Local Print Devices

Manage printer device definitions for printers connected to serial or parallel ports on this machine.

Queues and Queue Devices

Configures queues and queue devices.


Configures generic print queues.

List All Queues

Displays all configured queue names.

Displays all configured queue names.

Add a Local Queue

Adds a print queue to the system configuration.

Change/Show Print Queue Characteristics

Displays the characteristics of a print queue, and changes those characteristics.

Displays the characteristics of a print queue, and changes those characteristics.


ACTIVATE the queue?


HOSTNAME of remote server

Name of QUEUE on remote printer

Path name of the SHORT FORM FILTER for queue status output

Remove a Queue

QUEUE to remove

Specifies the name of the queue to be deleted from the system.

Queue Devices

Configures queue devices for printers.

List All Queue Devices

Displays all device names within a specified queue.

Displays all device names within a specified queue.

Displays all device names within a specified queue.

QUEUE to which device is attached

Specifies the name of the queue associated with the queue device to be changed.

Specifies the name of the queue associated with the queue device to be changed.

Specifies the name of the queue associated with the queue device to be changed.

Add a Queue Device

Adds a queue device to the system configuration.

Adds a queue device to the system configuration.

Change/Show Characteristics of a Queue Device

Displays the characteristics of a queue device and changes those characteristics.

Displays the characteristics of a queue device and changes those characteristics.

Remove a Queue Device

Removes a print queue device from the system configuration.

Removes a print queue device from the system configuration.

Removes a print queue device from the system configuration.

Wait Time for rembak

Specifies the amount of time that elapses before rembak times out. The value specified applies on a per queue basis. The default value is 90 seconds. If 0 or a negative value is entered, the default is used.

Rembak has two internal timers: one specifies the length of time it waits for the establishment of the TCP/IP socket connection; the other specifies the amount of time it waits for the server to reply with an acknowledgement packet. Both timeouts are covered by this entry.

Handshaking Sequences for Remote Print Queues

Specifies a handshaking sequence for a specific remote print queue. The lpd protocol defined by RFC 1179 allows two different handshaking sequences to process a print job. The default consists of sending the data file(s) first, followed by the control file. The other sequence is to send the control file first, followed by the data file(s).

If you send the control file first and a failure occurs, rembak tries to send the data file(s) first as an alternative. If this attempt fails, the queue is taken down.

Debugging Option for rembak

Specify an output file path name if you want to turn on the debugging option for rembak. Note the following:

The debugging option is ignored if an output file path name is not specified or if there are any problems creating or writing to the output file. If the specified output file exists, new debugging output is appended to its end.


The name of the printer or class of printers that contains the print requests you are listing.

The user ID of the user who submitted the print requests that are being listed.

To display a specific print request, type or select its request ID. This is a unique number that the print service associates with every request. The request ID can be used to cancel or change a request, or to determine its status.

To move a specific print request, type or select its request ID. This is a unique number that the print service associates with every request. The request ID can be used to cancel or change a request, or to determine its status.

The name of the printer or class of printers that you are moving the print request to.

The name of the printer or class of printers that contains all the print requests you are moving.

The name of the printer or class of printers that you want to move all the print requests to.

Specify the request ID of one or more print jobs to be canceled.

Type the login ID of the user that submitted the print requests you want to cancel.

Type the name of the printer or class of printers where the print requests for this user are queued. All requests by the specified user, including those currently being printed, will be canceled.

Type the login ID of the user that submitted the print requests you want to cancel on all destinations.

Type the name of the printer or class of printers that contain all the print requests you want to cancel. All requests, including those currently being printed, will be canceled.

The name of an existing printer or class of printers that is used as the default destination name. To change the default destination, type another destination name in this field or type "none". If a destination name is not provided, there will be no system default destination or the destination for print requests may be determined by the content type.

The name of the printer or class of printers that is allowing the queuing of print requests.

The reason this destination is rejecting print requests. The default reason is "unknown reason" for existing destinations and "new destination" for destinations just added to the system but not yet accepting requests.

The name of the printer or class of printers that is preventing the queuing of print requests for the named destination.

The name of the printer that you are enabling. This activates the printer and allows it to print requests submitted to it. If the specified printer is remote, it can only transfer requests to the remote system.

When changes are made to the definition or allocation for a device, you must disable the printer on that device, change the device, and then enable the printer so that the new device attributes become effective.

Select the method for handling print jobs that are running or queued on this printer when it is disabled. You can select "reprint current job", "cancel current job", or "wait for completion". The default is "reprint current job".

The reason this printer is being disabled. The default reason is "unknown reason" for existing printers and "new printer" for printers just added to the system but not yet enabled.

The name of the printer that you are disabling. This deactivates the printer and prevents it from printing requests submitted to it. Any requests that are printing on the specified printer when it is disabled will be reprinted in their entirety either on the same printer or on another member of the same class of printers. If the printer is remote, it will be unable to transfer jobs to the remote system.

The priority level that is used when a user does not specify another priority level with a print request. Initially, this system-wide priority level is set at 20. It can be a value between 0 and 39, with 0 being the highest priority.

The name of the printer or class of printers that you are removing. This action removes the destination from the print service. If the destination is a printer and is the only member of a class, the class is also removed. If the destination is a class of printers, all printers and classes are removed.

Starts the print service. You must have the appropriate privilege to start the print service.

Stops the print service. All printers that are printing when the print service is stopped will stop printing. When the print service is started again, requests that were printing at the time a printer was shut down will be reprinted from the beginning. You must have the appropriate privilege to stop the print service.

The name by which this local printer will be known. Because printer names are system-defined words, the name must be restricted to uppercase and lowercase ASCII characters.

Type the full path name to a file that is writable by the lp command. It associates a device with the printer. The same device can be associated with more than one printer. The device name is required when you are configuring a local printer.

Select whether the device associated with the printer is hardwired or is a login terminal. The LP scheduler (lpsched) disables all login terminals automatically each time it is started. Use the F4 key to present a list of choices that you can select. The default is "hardwired".

Type a full description of the printer. This information displays when a user requests it.

Specify the class that this printer will belong to. The class will be created if it does not already exist.

Select the model interface program, provided with the LP print service, for the printer. You can select from the following:

The default is "standard".

Select the printer type for this printer. Press the F4 key to present a list of choices you can select. The default printer type is "unknown".

The printer type is used to extract data from the terminfo database and determine whether the settings for that printer are possible. This information is used to initialize the printer before printing a user's request. Some filters also use the printer type to convert content for the printer. The default printer type("unknown") allows each user request to be printed without first initializing the printer.

Select the content type that this printer will support, for example, "ps" (for PostScript). Press the F4 key to present a list of choices that you can select. The default is "simple". A simple type of file is a data stream containing only printable ASCII characters and the following control characters: backspace, tab, line feed (new line), form feed, and carriage return. Additional content types can be supported by creating print filters.

To force a banner page to be printed with every print request even when a user asks for no banner page, select "yes". The default is "yes".

Select the type of alert that will inform the administrator when a printer fault is detected, and periodically thereafter, until the administrator clears the printer fault. If an alert is not defined for a particular printer, mail will be sent to user "lp". Press the F4 key to present a list of choices that you can select.

The alert types are:

The number of minutes to wait between sending alerts. The default is "0", which sends only one message for each printer fault to the administrator of the printer.

The recovery method to use for any print request that is stopped because of a printer fault. The default is "beginning". Press the F4 key to present a list of choices that you can select. You can select one of the following:

The name by which this remote printer will be known. Because printer names are system-defined words, the name must be restricted to uppercase and lowercase ASCII characters.

The name of the system on which this remote printer is located. It must be listed in the LP systems table. This option is required when you are configuring a remote printer. It makes a server printer accessible to users on your system.

The name used on the server system for the remote printer you are adding. If the SERVER name is a Netware server, the PRINTER NAME can be the name of a Netware queue or Netware printer.

Type a full description of the printer. This information displays when a user requests it.

Specify the class that this printer will belong to. The class will be created if it does not already exist.

Select the printer type for this printer. Press the F4 key to present a list of choices you can select. The default printer type is "unknown".

The printer type is used to extract data from the terminfo database and determine whether the settings for that printer are possible. This information is used to initialize the printer before printing a user's request. Some filters also use the printer type to convert content for the printer. The default printer type("unknown") allows each user request to be printed without first initializing the printer.

Select the content type that this printer will support, for example, "ps" (for PostScript). Press the F4 key to present a list of choices that you can select. The default is "simple". A simple type of file is a data stream containing only printable ASCII characters and the following control characters: backspace, tab, line feed (new line), form feed, and carriage return. Additional content types can be supported by creating print filters.

To force a banner page to be printed with every print request even when a user asks for no banner page, select "yes". The default is "yes".

The PRINTER name is the name by which this printer will be known. Because printer names are system-defined words, the name must be restricted to uppercase and lowercase ASCII characters.

The SERVER name is the host name of this printer. (NOTE: This is not the machine it is attached to.)

Type a full description of the printer. This information displays when a user requests it.

Specify the class that this printer will belong to. The class will be created if it does not already exist.

To force a banner page to be printed with every print request even when a user asks for no banner page, select "yes". The default is "yes".

Select the type of alert that will inform the administrator when a printer fault is detected, and periodically thereafter, until the administrator clears the printer fault. If an alert is not defined for a particular printer, mail will be sent to user "lp". Press the F4 key to present a list of choices that you can select.

The alert types are:

The number of minutes to wait between sending alerts. The default is "0", which sends only one message for each printer fault to the administrator of the printer.

The recovery method to use for any print request that is stopped because of a printer fault. The default is "beginning". Press the F4 key to present a list of choices that you can select. You can select one of the following:

The name of the remote system that you are adding from which you want to receive jobs and to which you want to send jobs.

Type a full description of the printer. This information displays when a user requests it.

The length of time, in minutes, that the print service should allow a network connection to be idle. For example, if there is no network traffic for the specified number of minutes, the connection is dropped. The connection will be established again when there is more work. Values you can specify, and their meanings, are:

The default is "n".

The length of time, in minutes, to wait before trying to reconnect to the remote system when the connection was dropped abnormally. Values you can specify, and their meanings, are:

The default is 10 minutes.

The name of the remote system whose characteristics you want to display or change.

The name of the selected remote system whose characteristics you are displaying or changing.

Provides a full description of the selected printer.

The length of time, in minutes, that the print service should allow a network connection to be idle. For example, if there is no network traffic for the specified number of minutes, the connection is dropped. The connection will be established again when there is more work. Values you can specify, and their meanings, are:

The default is "n".

The length of time, in minutes, to wait before trying to reconnect to the remote system when the connection was dropped abnormally. Values you can specify, and their meanings, are:

The default is 10 minutes.

The name of the remote system you want to remove. The print service will no longer accept jobs from this system or send jobs to it, even if the remote printer is still defined on the local system. The scheduler must be running when the removal of a systems file entry occurs because the scheduler checks whether the system entry is currently used by a printer destination. If currently used, the system entry cannot be removed. If you have active printers for this system, you will not be allowed to remove the system from the system file.