SMIT Help Information for NFS

Note: The information in this article is structured as help information for the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT), and is not intended for use as a procedural or conceptual article.

Configure Secure NFS & NIS

In addition to the standard UNIX authentication system, NFS includes an authentication system that can be used by other UNIX and non-UNIX systems. The system uses Data Encryption Standard (DES) encryption and public key cryptography to authenticate both users and machines in the network.

Network File System (NFS)

The Network File System (NFS) is a distributed file system that allows users to access files and directories located on remote computers and treat those files and directories as if they were local.

Configure NFS on This System

Specify this option to configure the system to run the NFS daemons.

Start NFS

Specify this option if you wish to start the Network File System (NFS).

NFS is a distributed file system that allows users to access files and directories located on remote computers and treat those files and directories as if they were local.

START NFS now, on system restart or both

STOP NFS now, system restart or both

CHANGE number now, system restart or both

EXPORT directory now, system restart or both

Mount now, add entry to /etc/filesystems or both?

A majority of the NFS and NIS maintenance commands let the user specify when the system should perform the requested action. The three options given are:

now - Makes requested changes immediately, but makes no permanent changes to the system.

add entry - Makes necessary changes to the system so changes occur on the next system restart.

both - Combines the system restart and now options so that changes requested take place immediately and for every subsequent system restart.

A majority of the NFS and NIS maintenance commands let the user specify when the system should perform the requested action. The three options given are:

now - The NFS is created and mounted but the file system is not visible in the file systems pane because it is not a permanent entry in /etc/filesystems.

add entry - The NFS is created and not mounted. The file system is visible in the file systems pane and is greyed out (not mounted).

both - The NFS is created and mounted. The file system is visible in the file systems pane.

Stop NFS

Specify this option if you wish to stop the network file system (NFS).

NFS is a distributed file system that allows users to access files and directories located on remote computers and treat those files and directories as if they were local.

Change Number of nfsd & biod Daemons

Specify this option if you wish to change the configuration of the system to invoke a specified number of biod and nfsd daemons.

The biod daemon runs on all NFS client systems. When a user on a client wants to read or write to a file on a server, the biod daemon sends this request to the server.

The nfsd daemon runs on a server and handles client requests for file system operations.

Start Automounter

Stop Automounter

Specify this option to begin or end the automatic and transparent mounting of an NFS file system whenever a file or directory within that file system is opened.

Communications Applications and Services / NFS / Network File System (NFS) / Add a Directory to Exports List

Chose this option to make local directories available for Network File System (NFS) clients to mount.

HOSTNAME list. If exported read-mostly

This option specifies which hosts have read-write access to the directory. This option is valid only when the exported file is to be read-mostly.

HOSTS allowed root access

Specify this option to give root users on the specified hosts access to the directory. The default is for no hosts to be granted root access.

HOSTS & NETGROUPS allowed client access

Specify this option to give mount access to each of the clients listed. A client can either be a host or a netgroup. The default is to allow all hosts access.

Change/Show Attributes of an Exported Directory

Specify this option to change the options used to export a directory to NFS clients.

Remove a Directory from Exports List

Specify this option to unexport a directory from NFS clients.

Add a File System for Mounting

Specify this option to construct an entry that will be appended to the /etc/filesystems file, thus making a file system available for mounting.

Add a File System for Mounting / /etc/filesystems entry will mount the directory on system RESTART

Change/Show Attributes of a Mounted File System / /etc/filesystems entry will mount the directory on system RESTART

Specify this option to have the /etc/filesystems entry indicate a mount at system restart The default is no.

Minimum TIME, in seconds, for holding attribute cache after file modification

Specify the least number of seconds for holding attributes in the buffer storage after file modification.

Maximum TIME, in seconds, for holding attribute cache after file modification

Specify the greatest amount of seconds for holding attributes in the buffer storage after file modification.

Minimum TIME, in seconds, for holding attribute cache after directory modification

Specify the least number of seconds for holding attributes in the buffer storage after directory modification.

Maximum TIME, in seconds, for holding attribute cache after directory modification

Specify the greatest amount of seconds for holding attributes in the buffer storage after directory modification.

Minimum & Maximum TIME, in seconds, for holding attribute cache after any modification

Specify the least and the greatest amounts of seconds to hold attributes in the buffer storage after any modification.

Add a File System for Mounting / Server supports long DEVICE NUMBERS

Show Attributes of a Mounted File System / Server supports long DEVICE NUMBERS

This option specifies that the server supports long device numbers. The default is yes. Set this option to no when mounting from an NFS server that does not correctly handle device numbers that are 32 bits long.

Change/Show Attributes of a Mounted File System

Specify this option to change the mount options of a currently mounted file system.

Specify whether AIX Access Control List RPC's should be used on this filesystem. The default is No.

For soft mounts, specify the number of times an unacknowledged NFS request is transmitted before NFS gives up on it.

Specify whether pathconf information should be exchanged and made available on an NFS Version 2 mount. This requires a mount Version 2 rpc.mountd at the NFS server. The default is No.

Specify whether files or directories created on the file system should automatically inherit the group ID of the parent directory. The default is No.

Remove a Mounted File System

Specify this option to remove the appropriate entry from the /etc/filesystems file and unmount the file system specified.

The number of lockd daemons to run. Each daemon handles one request at a time. The default value is 32. The maximum number is 511.

Enables or disables replication on this server. Replicas are alternate NFS servers where files can be found. Replicas for exported directories are specified in the export for the directory. Replicas for the NFS version4 pseudospace are specified here. Replication enablement can only be changed if no filesystems are exported for NFS version 4 use. Replicas can only be specified on an export if replication is enabled on the server.

Enables or disables file delegation on this server. This allows the server to grant file delegations to NFS version 4 clients. This value can be overridden at the export level.

Enables or disables file delegation on this client. Enabling file delegation causes the client to provide information to NFS version 4 servers so the servers can delegate files to the NFS version 4 client. Without this information NFS version 4 servers will not delegate files to the client.

Enables the use of advanced security methods such as Kerberos on NFS.

Disables the use of advanced security methods such as Kerberos on NFS.

Enter the directory you wish the NFS version 4 server to present as the root directory to NFS version 4 clients.

Enter the directory you wish the NFS version 4 server to present as the public directory to NFS version 4 clients.

Specify On if you want to enable replication on this server. Specify Off if you want to disable replication on this server. Specifying [+] will enable replication and also cause the server to use the specified servers as replica locations for the NFS version 4 root directory. If any directories are exported for use by NFS version 4 when this is done, the operation will fail.

Specify the NFS protocol versions that clients can use to access the export. Specifying version 2 will also allow access by clients using NFS version 3. Specifying version 3 will also allow access by clients using NFS version 2. NFS version 4 can be enabled independently of versions 2 and 3.

Specify a pathname by which NFS version 4 clients must access this export. This only applies to NFS version 4 exports. The NFS version 2 and 3 servers ignore this information. The NFS version 4 root directory cannot be "/" when this option is used.

Creates a NFS version 4 namespace referral at the location that you specify in this field. The format of a referral is rootpath@server[+server][:rootpath@server[+server]]. A referral object will be created that will cause NFS version 4 clients to redirect operations to one of the specified server locations. The operation will fail if the specified object exists and is not a referral object. Multiple referrals can be created within a filesytem. This is valid for NFS version 4 use only. If version 2 or 3 is also specified, the operation will fail.

Associate the replica locations that you specify in this field with the export. The NFS version 4 client can use the alternate locations to access replicas of this filesystem if this server becomes unavailable. The specified pathname must be the root of a filesystem. This value will be ignored by NFS version 2 and 3 servers and clients. The format of a replica specification is rootpath@server[+server][:rootpath@server[+server]].

Specify a security method for this export. Each security method is allowed to specify its own mode and access lists.

Allows or disallows the server to issue file delegations for this export. This value overrides the server's global delegation enablement.

Changes the directory that the NFS version 4 server will present to NFS version 4 clients as the server's root directory.

The NFS version 4 root directory cannot be changed if any directories are exported for NFS version 4 use.

Changes the directory that the NFS version 4 server will present to NFS version 4 clients as the server's public directory.

The NFS version 4 public directory cannot be changed if any directories are exported for NFS version 4 use.

Check this option if you wish to change the lease time of the NFS Version 4 server. The lease time of the server is the interval of time for which an NFS Version 4 client is granted state.

Changes the NFS Version 4 lease time for this system. The new lease time becomes active on next start of NFS.

Enables or disables the NFS Version 4 grace period for the system. The new selection becomes active on the next start of NFS.

Specifying a non-zero value automatically extends the NFS Version 4 Grace Period for the given number of extensions. A single extension equals the length of the NFSv4 lease period.

The NFS Version 4 subsystem can use runtime metrics, such as the time of the last successful NFS Version 4 reclaim operation, to detect reclamation of state that is in progress and to extend the grace period for up to the given number of iterations.

Automatic extension of the grace period allows more state to be reclaimed by NFS Version 4 clients that have not yet completed their state reclamation prior to the end of the initial grace period.

Specify this option to create a Proxy File System.

The pathname of the NFS mount point.

The pathname of the exported directory in the NFS server.

The hostname of the NFS server.

Specify a comma-separated string of NFS mount options.

The pathname of the cache directory.

Specify this option to mount a Cache File System backed against an NFS filesystem.

The local device name of the CDROM.

Specify this option to remove a proxy file system.

Cache directory configuration options in the form "param=n". The cachefs resource parameter descriptions can be found in the "cfsadmin" manual page.

NFS server export options for the created proxy file system instance.

Specify this option to add new FSID options to a filesystem.

Specify this option to display or modify the FSID options of a filesystem.

Specify this option to reset the default FSID options of a filesystem.

Allows the centralized provisioning of data, its location and its replication across a network of systems. When used with NFS version 4 servers, NDAF allows the construction of a single NFS namespace that covers multiple servers.

Starts and stops the administration daemons and enables and disables filesystems for datasets.

Allows you to create, display, remove, or change the attributes of NDAF entities such as administration and data servers, cell namespaces, data sets, replicas, and roles.

Starts and stops 'dmadm' and 'dms' administration daemons.

Starts and stops the 'dms' administration daemon. Disables and enables filesystems for datasets.

Starts the 'dmadm' and 'dms' administration daemons.

Stops the 'dmadm' and 'dms' administration daemons.

Starts the 'dms' administration daemons.

Stops the 'dms' administration daemons.

Permits a filesystem to contain datasets.

Prevents a filesystem from containing datasets.

The admin server federates and manages the set of NFS version 4 servers as a single system. You can create, remove, and change the attributes of the admin server.

NDAF uses dataserver systems to store data that it provisions. A data server process runs on each data server to carry out actions in underlying file systems.

A cell is a collection of datasets organized into a single file namespace for use with NFS version 4 servers. NFS version 4 clients are expected to mount the root directory of the cell to access the cell’s full namespace.

Allows you to create or remove datasets and replicas, list datasets and replicas, or change the configuration of datasets and replicas.

Allows you to create, list, remove, and change the attributes of roles, which are a set of privileges attached to a set of users that allow the users to manage the resources within a cell.

Creates the master administration server of the NDAF domain, which will be running the admin server daemon.

Shows the attributes of the administration server. At the right privilege level, you may change some of the attributes displayed.

Removes the administration server and cleans its databases of all the objects that have been defined within it.

Displays the contents of the administration server's log file.

Clears the contents of the administration server's log file.

Displays all the data servers that have been defined for a specified admin server.

Creates a data server within an administration server, specifying its DNS or IP address attribute.

Shows the attributes of a specified data server. At the right privilege level, you can modify some of the attributes displayed.

Removes the data server object and cleans its databases of all the objects that have been defined within it.

Allows a cell to use this data server to host its datasets.

Prevents a cell from using this data server to host its datasets.

Displays all the cells that have been defined for a specified administration server.

Creates a cell on a given administration server, which will serve as a unit manager for all the datasets it contains.

Displays the attributes of a specified cell. At the right privilege level, you can modify some of the attributes displayed.

Removes the cell object and cleans the databases of all the objects that have been defined within it.

Specifies a data server the cell will be able to use to host its datasets.

Specifies a data server the cell will no longer be able to use to host its datasets.

A dataset (dset) is a directory tree of file system objects (files, directories, ACLs, links, etc.). It is the unit of management for replication and namespace. You can create, remove, validate, list, mount and unmount dsets, and change their attributes.

A replica is a read–only copy of a dataset that can be distributed across multiple data servers. You can create, remove, validate, update, list, mount, unmount, place and unplace replicas and change their attributes.

Displays a list of all datasets for the specified admin server. It is possible to list all datasets for a specified cell or for a specified data server.

Creates a dataset, specifying an admin server, a namespace and a data server.

Checks the existence of a dataset in the specified namespace.

Displays the attributes of a specified dataset. If you have enough privileges, you can modify some of them.

Displays the physical locations of the specified dataset.

Removes the dataset.

Makes the dataset available at the specified location on the specified data server.

Makes a previously-mounted dataset unavailable for use.

Displays the list of all replicas for specified admin server and namespace or data server.

Creates a read–only copy of a dataset at a specified location.

Refreshes a replica from its original source.

Checks for the existence of a replica in the specified namespace.

Displays the attributes of the specified replica. At the appropriate privilege level, you can modify some of the attributes displayed.

Displays the physical locations of the specified replica.

Removes the specified replica.

Makes the replica available at the specified location on a cell namespace.

Makes a previously-mounted replica unavailable for use.

Places the replica on a data server, at a specified location.

Removes the replica placed on a data server at the specified location.

Defines a replica as the master copy for its specified dataset.

Specifies another dataset to be the source for this replica. Recall that a replica is a read-only copy of a dataset.

Displays a list of all roles for the specified cell.

Defines a set of privileges associated to a set of users.

Displays the attributes of a specified role. At the appropriate privilege level, you can modify some of the attributes displayed.

Removes the definition of a role.

Type the name or IP address of the admin server that manages the NDAF domain.

Name or IP address of the admin server that manages the NDAF domain.

Type the name of the data server. You can either type the name or choose it from the list of data servers defined for this admin server. Use the F4 key to display this selection list.

Name of the data server where the data is stored.

Type the name of the cell that contains the data you wish to reach. You can either type in the name or choose it from the list of cells defined for this admin server. Use the F4 key to display this selection list.

Name of the cell where the data is stored.

Specifies the name of the dataset you wish to work upon. You can either type in the name or choose it from the list of datasets defined for this admin server in the cell. Use the F4 key to display this selection list.

Name of the dataset.

Type the name of the read–only copy of a dataset you wish to work upon. You can either type in the name or choose it from the list of replicas defined for this admin server in the cell. Use the F4 key to display this selection list.

Name of the read–only copy of a dataset.

Specifies the name of a role, which contains a set of privileges and a list of the users able to perform them. You can either type in the name or choose it from the list of roles defined for this admin server in the cell. Use the F4 key to display this selection list.

Name of a role, which contains a set of privileges and a list of the users able to perform them.

A majority of the NFS and NIS maintenance commands let the user specify when the system should perform the requested action. The three options are: 'now', which makes requested changes immediately, but makes no permanent changes to the system; 'add entry', which makes necessary changes to the system so changes occur on the next system restart; and 'both', which combines the system restart and now options so that changes requested take place immediately and for every subsequent system restart. The default option is 'both'.

The path to the root directory of the dmf installation. The default path is '/var/dmf/'.

The path to the default directory where the datasets will be created. The default path is '/var/dmf/server/dsets'.

The path to the default directory where the replicas will be created. The default path is '/var/dmf/server/replicas'.

The RPC timeout override for valgrind/gdb testing.

The security method that is used for transfers.

Kerberos principal if the security method used is krb5, krb5i, or krbp.

Specifies the location of the Kerberos keytab for NDAF. If not specified, the default Kerberos keytab file, which is defined in the '/etc/krb5/krb5.conf' file, is used.

The number of the port for RPC calls from the dmf client to the admin server. The default port number is '28000'.

The number of the port for RPC calls from the admin server to the data server. The default port number is '28001'.

The number of the port for RPC callbacks from data server to admin server. The default port number is '28002'.

The number of the port for RPC calls between data transfer agents. The default port number is '28003'.

Sets the level of logging for the log files. The possible values are critical, error, warning, notice and information.

A majority of the NFS and NIS maintenance commands let the user specify when the system should perform the requested action. The three options are: 'now', which makes requested changes immediately, but makes no permanent changes to the system; 'add entry', which makes necessary changes to the system so changes occur on the next system restart; and 'both', which combines the system restart and now options so that changes requested take place immediately and for every subsequent system restart. The default option is 'both'.

Absolute path of the filesystem where datasets will be located. The '/proc', '/' and '/tmp' filesystems cannot be enabled for datasets.

Type a name for the admin server that will manage the NDAF domain.

The generic UUID used as an index.

The version of the application running on this administration server.

Type the names of the users who will own this admin server and therefore be able to manipulate it. Use commas to seperate the names.

Type the number of records from the log you want displayed.

Type the absolute path to the status log file.

Type the DNS name or IP address of the system you wish to use as the data server. The port number where the data server listens can be added, separated with a comma.

Generic UUID attributed to this data server, which serves as an index.

The version of the framework application running on this data server.

If the data server is an external server, this field displays a number other than a '0', which means this data server is not running an NDAF daemon. If the data server is an external server it should not be used for replication purposes.

Minimum RPC port number to be used for data transfers between servers.

Maximum RPC port number to be used for data transfers between servers.

Type the name of methods you want to allow this data server to use for data transfer, seperated by commas.

Generic UUID attributed to this cell namespace, which serves as an index.

Type the maximum number of locations that will be returned to an NFS client for a replica.

Select which type of dataset list you want displayed. Your choices are 'for a cell', which is the default selection, and 'for a data server'.

Generic UUID attributed to this dataset, which serves as an index.

The version of the framework application running on this dataset.

Type the name of the owner that should be set in the file system for this dataset.

Type the name of the group that should be set in the file system for this dataset.

Type the name of the mode that should be set in the file system for this dataset.

The maximum number of entries that will be returned to an NFS client for a dataset.

Type the name of a user that will own this dataset and therefore be able to manipulate it.

Select the roles that you want to be able to manage this dataset.

Type the names of the methods you want to allow this dataset to use for data transfer.

Type the location where the dataset will be mounted on this server. The dataset must not already be mounted and the path must not already exist.

Type the location where the dataset is currently mounted.

Type the location on the server where this replica will be placed. If it is not specified, the replica will be located at the default replica path defined for this server.

Generic UUID attributed to this replica, which serves as an index.

The version of the framework application running on this replica.

Type the name of the owner that should be set in the file system for this replica.

Type the name of the group that should be set in the file system for this replica.

Type the name of the mode that should be set in the file system for this replica.

Type the number of locations of the cell can be returned to a NFS client.

Type the names of the users who will own this replica and therefore be able to manipulate it.

Select the roles that you want to be able to manage this replica.

Type the names of the methods you want to allow this replica to use for data transfer.

Type the location in the cell name space where the replica will be made available.

Type the location where the replica is currently mounted in the cell name space.

Type the location where the replica will be copied. If no location is specified, the replica will be copied on the default replica path defined for this server.

Type the path to the location where the replica is currently located on this server.

Type the path to the location that will become the master copy for this replica.

Type the name of the dataset that will become the source of this replica.

Generic UUID attributed to this role, which serves as an index.

Select the roles that will be able to manage this replica.

Type the name of a user that will be able to perform the actions specified in the 'owning roles' list for this role.

Select a server where this role will no longer be allowed to perform actions.

Indicates whether this role can create a data set.

Indicates whether this role can delete a data set.

Indicates whether this role can change a data set's attributes.

Indicates whether this role can copy a data set.

Indicates whether this role can create a role.

Indicates whether this role can delete a role.

Indicates whether this role can change a role's attributes.

Name for the admin server that will manage the NDAF domain.

Name or IP address of the system you wish to use as the data server.

Type the path to the server where the dataset will be created. If nothing is specified, the new dataset will be created on the default dataset path defined for this server.

Type the path to the data set that you want to copy.

Absolute path of the filesystem that will be prevented from containing datasets.