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SMIT Help Information for Menu Items

Note: The information contained in this article is structured as help information for the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) and is not intended for use as a procedural or conceptual article.


High-capacity read-only memory in the form of an optically read compact disk.


The main operating system display station.


A 10-megabit baseband local area network using CSMA/CD (carrier sense multiple access with collision detection). The network allows multiple stations to access the medium at will without prior coordination, avoids contention by using carrier sense and deference, and resolves contention by using collision detection and transmission.

Lighted Programmable Function Keyboard (LPFK)

An input device used primarily in graphic applications and that has lighted keys under control of an application program.


In computer security, a string of characters known only to the user and the system. The user must specify the correct password to gain access to a system and the data stored with it.

Pseudo Terminal (PTY)

A special file in the /dev directory that effectively functions as a keyboard and display device to software that uses the Berkeley line discipline. A pseudo terminal consists of a pair of character devices, referred to as the "master" and "slave." The slave device (/dev/pts) is manipulated by another process through the master half (/dev/ptc) of the pseudo terminal together.

Software Vital Product Data (SWVPD)

Information that uniquely defines system, hardware, software, and microcode elements of a processing system.

Token Ring

A token access procedure used with a sequential (ring) topology.


In the operating system, any device that uses the termio standard terminal device interface. tty devices typically perform input and output on a character-by-character basis.

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