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SMIT Help Information for Multiport Model 2 Adapter

Note: The information contained in this article is structured as help information for the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) and is not intended for general reading.


For the Multiport Model 2 Adapter, this option allows you to add, change, or remove an adapter; to list the defined or available adapters; to manage the device driver; or to generate a trace or error report.

List All Multiport Model 2 Adapters

Lists the Multiport Model 2 devices that are defined (the device instance, attributes, connection and location information are recorded in the database, but the device cannot yet be used by the operating system), as well as the devices that are available (the device is configured and ready for use). The list (created by the lsdev command) presents the device name, status (defined or available), location code and device description.

Add a Multiport Model 2 Adapter

Allows you to add (define and configure) a Multiport Model 2 adapter to the Customized database and to set attributes.


Provides a short text description of the adapter.

Parent Adapter

The Multiport Model 2 adapter is a child of the ISA bus..

ISA Virtual Connection

Specifies the connection location of the parent adapter.

Change/Show a Multiport Model 2 Adapter

Allows you to view or change the attributes of a Multiport Model 2 adapter.


Indicates the current status of the adapter. Valid values are:

available - The adapter is configured in the system and ready to use

defined - The adapter is defined to the system but not configured.


For the Multiport Model 2 adapter, this is not a meaningful field. The location code for an adapter consists of two pairs of digits with the format AA-BB, where AA identifies the location code of the drawer containing the adapter card and BB identifies both the I/O bus and slot containing the card.

Connection address

Specifies the connection location of the parent.

Configure a Defined Multiport Model 2 Adapter

Changes the adapter from defined to available state.

Manage Device Drivers for Multiport Model 2 Adapters

Allows you to add, remove, or configure a device driver or port that is associated with a Multiport Model 2 Adapter.

Remove a Multiport Model 2 Adapter

Removes the adapter from the Configuration database, with the option of removing it from the Predefined database.

KEEP definition in database

Removes the device instance from the Predefined database.


Displays the Data Link Control services that are available for the Multiport Model 2 Adapter.

User Applications

This option currently is not used for the Multiport Model 2 Adapter.

Parent Bus

Select the desired device from the list. Information about the device is presented in four columns: the device name, the state of the device (defined or available), the location code, and the device description.

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