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SMIT Help Information for Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) Adapters

Note: The information contained in this article is structured as help information for the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) and is not intended for general reading.


Provides a short text description of the adapter.


Indicates the current status of the adapter. Possible values are available, indicating that the adapter is configured in the system and ready to use and defined, indicating that the adapter is defined to the system but not configured.


The location code for an adapter consists of two pairs of digits with the format AA-BB, where AA identifies the location code of the drawer containing the adapter card and BB identifies both the I/O bus and slot containing the card.

A value of 00 for the AA field means that the adapter card is located in the CPU drawer or system unit, depending on the type of system. Any other value for the AA field indicates that the card is located in an I/O expansion drawer, in which case, the value identifies the I/O bus and slot number in the CPU drawer that contains the asynchronous expansion adapter. The first digit identifies the I/O bus with 0 corresponding to the standard I/O bus and 1 corresponding to the optional I/O bus. The second digit identifies the slot on the indicated I/O bus.

The first digit of the BB field identifies the I/O bus containing the adapter card. If the card is in the CPU drawer or system unit, this digit will be 0 for the standard I/O bus or 1 for the optional I/O bus. If the card is in an I/O expansion drawer, this digit is 0. The second digit identifies the slot number on the indicated I/O bus (or slot number in the I/O expansion drawer) which contains the card.

A location code of 00-00 is used to identify the standard I/O planar.


00-05 - Identifies an adapter card in slot 5 of the standard I/O bus and is located in either the CPU drawer or system unit, depending on the type of system.

00-12 - Identifies an adapter card in slot 2 of the optional I/O bus and is located in the CPU drawer.

18-05 - Identifies an adapter card located in slot 5 of an I/O expansion drawer. The drawer is the one connected to the asynchronous expansion adapter located in slot 8 of the optional I/O bus in the CPU drawer.

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