SMIT Help Information for Date and Time

Note: The information contained in this article is structured as help information for the System Management Information Tool (SMIT) and is not intended for general reading.

Change/Show Date, Time, and Time Zone

Displays the current date and time on your system and the fields for setting new date, time, and time zone values.

Displays the current date and time on your system and the fields for setting new date, time, and time zone values.

Old Time Zone

Displays the abbreviation for name of the current geographical time zone. If the date was set for daylight savings time, the DT is appended to the abbreviated name.

If the time zone is not determinable, the field is blank.

Time Zone

Displays the abbreviation for name of the time zone you selected from the time zone list. The system resets the time zone to this value when you process your changes to this menu.

If you selected yes when prompted if the time zone uses daylight savings time popup, DT is appended to the abbreviated name.


Indicates if the system is in area that is currently on daylight savings time.

The valid time zones are identified with an abbreviated name based on their geographical locations and the number of hours difference from from the coordinated universal time (UTC).

If you select yes, a DT indicator is appended to the abbreviated time zone name when the system processes your changes to this menu.

If you select no, the abbreviated names are not appended with the DT identifier.


Displays the last two numbers of the current year (00-99).


Displays the current year in a decimal string where the first two digits are the century (for example, 19) and the last two digits are the year itself. The valid range is 1993 to 2043.

The first two digits, the century, may also be specified with the cc flag. If you do not specify the century with this flag, years in the range of 69 to 99 will refer to the twentieth century (1969 to 1999) and years in the range of 00 to 68 will refer to the twenty-first century (2000 to 2068).


Displays the current month of year as a decimal number (01-12).


Displays the current month of the year in its alphabetical format.


Displays the current numerical day of the month.


Displays the current numerical day of the month. (The button that is highlighted or appears as if its pressed down is the selected or current day).


Displays the hour of the current time as a decimal number in the range of 00 to 23 for a 24-hour clock or 1 to 12 for a 12-hour AM or PM clock.


Displays the current minutes past the hour as a decimal number (00-59).


Displays the current seconds past the minutes as a decimal number (00-61).

Current System Time

Displays the current date and time on your system in the format: Day, month, numerical date, year, hours, minutes past the hour, and seconds past the minute. The information is continually updated in this field.

Selected Date

Displays the current month, day, and year to which your system is currently set.

This is a text display only; that is, you cannot change the information by entering new values in this field. Instead, you can set new values in the Year, Month, and Day fields that follow this field.

Selected Time

Displays the current time (hour, minutes, and seconds) to which your system is currently set.

This is a text display only; that is, you cannot change the information by entering new values in this field. Instead, you can set new values in the Hour, Minutes, and Seconds fields that follow this field.

Clock Option

Indicates if the current clock is the 24-hour clock (also called military time) or the 12-hour AM or PM clock.

To change from a 24-hour clock to the AM or PM clock, click on menu option button and click on the option you want. The time is recalculated on the 12-hour clock. To change back to the 24-hour clock, click on the menu option button again and select the 24-hour option.

To set the value as a different time zone, type in the new time zone in the correct format, including DST if it applies, or use the List box to display the Time Zones dialog so you can select the correct time zone format instead of typing the string in manually.

Daylight Savings Time Option

Indicates if the time zone is currently on standard time or daylight savings time.

If Daylight Savings Time option is selected (the option box is highlighted and appears as if it has been pressed down), the time zone string is displayed with the DST indicator.

To change back to standard time, select the option box again to toggle back from Daylight Savings time (the option box now appears to be "popped up" from the surface). The time zone string no longer contains the DST indicator.

Current Selection

Displays the currently selected time zone and if the zone is on standard time or daylight savings time (DST).

Change / Show Number of Licensed Users

Displays the number of fixed licenses and the status of the floating licensing. Allows the floating license status or the maximum number of fixed licenses of the system to be changed.

FLOATING licensing

Disables or enables floating licenses. Selecting off disables the floating licensing. Selecting on enables the floating licensing.

Current and New Date and Time

Displays the current date and time on your system and the fields for setting the new date and time.

Setting a New Time Zone

Displays the fields for setting a new time zone, and populates the fields with the system default values.

User Values for New Time Zone

Displays the fields for setting a new time zone, using values you specify.

Difference between Local Day Light Savings Time and Coordinated Universal Time

Specify the difference between the local Day Light Savings Time and the Coordinated Universal Time. Valid formats for this field are [+|-]HH, [+|-]HH:MM or [+|-]HH:MM:SS (HH - Hours, MM - Minutes, SS - Seconds). If the field is blank, the value will match the default value, which is one hour ahead of the standard time.

Day to Start Day Light Savings Time

Specify the day on which you want the Day Light Savings Time to be in effect. Use the format Mmm.ww.dd if your country follows the leap year syntax, where mm(1-12, 1=January) is the month of the year, ww is the week of the month(1-5, 5 for last week) and dd(0-6, 0=Sunday) is the day of the week. If your country follows the Julian date system, specify Jn, where n is the number of the Julian date. If the field is blank, the value will match that for the United States, which is M3.2.0 (2nd Sunday in March).

Time to Start Day Light Savings Time

Specify the time of the day that you want the Day Light Savings Time to be in effect. Valid formats for this field are HH, HH:MM or HH:MM:SS (HH - Hours, MM - Minutes, SS - Seconds). If the field is blank, the value will match that of the United States, which is 02:00:00.

Day to Switch Back to Standard Time

Specify the day that you want to switch back to the Standard Time. Use the format Mmm.ww.dd if your country follows the leap year syntax, where mm(1-12, 1=January) is the month of the year, ww is the week of the month(1-5, 5 for last week) and dd(0-6, 0=Sunday) is the day of the week. If your country follows the Julian date system, specify Jn, where n is the number of the Julian date. If the field is blank, the value will match that of the United States, which is M11.1.0 (1st Sunday in November).

Time to Switch Back to Standard Time

Specify the time of the day that you want to switch back to the Standard Time. Valid formats for this field are HH, HH:MM or HH:MM:SS (HH - Hours, MM - Minutes, SS - Seconds). If the field is blank, the value will match that of the United States, which is 02:00:00.

Character String for Standard Time Name

Specify a character string to denote the Standard Time name.

Difference between Local Standard Time and Coordinated Universal Time

Specify the difference between the local Standard Time and the Coordinated Universal Time. Valid formats for this field are [+|-]HH, [+-]HH:MM or [+-]HH:MM:SS (HH - Hours, MM - Minutes, SS - Seconds).

Day Light Savings Time Name

Specify a character string to denote the Day Light Savings Time name.

Updates the number of fixed licenses on this system. To update the number of fixed licenses now, select "yes". To update the number of fixed licenses at the next reboot, select "no".