SMIT Help Information for Advanced Accounting

Note: The information in this article is structured as help information for the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT), and is not intended for use as a procedural or conceptual article.

Advanced Accounting collects and records system and job-related information that can be used to bill users, analyze the configuration, summarize file system activity, and profile system resource use.

Provides options for performing the tasks associated with accounting data files. These tasks include creating, releasing, re-using, switching, and querying accounting data files.

Provides options for creating projects and assignment rules and downloading them into the kernel. Projects are entities such as users, departments, divisions, and tasks that are defined for billing purposes. Work units such as processes and transactions are internally tagged with project codes based on defined assignment rules. Project codes are included in accounting records.

Provides options for choosing the type of accounting data to be collected. Each type of accounting record has a unique transaction ID that can be used for collection purposes.

Provides options for starting, stopping, and monitoring advanced accounting, and for configuring interval accounting and data aggregation.

Creates an accounting data file. It is recommended that you create multiple data files before starting advanced accounting so that you can dump and clear one accounting file while the system is filling another. The system only writes to one file at a time.

Releases the named accounting file from the accounting subsystem. The file is unknown to the accounting subsystem and can be removed from the system.

Uses the existing accounting data file and notifies the kernel that the file is ready to be reused.

Displays information about accounting data files.

Prepares the active accounting data file to be processed by directing the accounting subsystem to use another file.

The name of the accounting data file on which you are performing the action. You can create, release, switch, and display the details of accounting data files.

Specify the number of megabytes to reserve for the new data file. The size of accounting data files are preallocated to ensure that expected quantity of accounting data can be written and to improve system performance.

Provides a list of the accounting data files that are known to the kernel. Accounting data files are registered when they are created and unregistered when they are released.

Displays the details of a specified accounting data file.

Provides options for working with project definitions. You can add, delete, display, change, load and unload project definitions.

Provides options for working with automatic project assignments. Automatic project assignments are determined through multiple policies which are based on user and group attributes and admin rules. Policies must be loaded to take effect.

Provides options for working with project assignments of existing processes and to start new jobs with specific project assignments.

Adds a new project definition into the default project definition file /etc/project/projdef.

Displays information about a selected project definition. You can change any of the displayed information.

Removes the specified project definition from the default project definition file /etc/project/projdef.

Loads/re-loads the project definitions from the default project definition file /etc/project/projdef into the kernel.

Unloads all the active project definitions.

Lists all active project definitions from the kernel.

The name that identifies this project. Each project is associated with a process ID. This name can contain only alphanumeric characters.

A numerical representation of the project. This number contains either decimal or hexadecimal numbers.

Indicates whether aggregation is on or off. Aggregated accounting records describe the total CPU time spent processing each type of transaction at the project level. This allows the same accounting structure to be used for multiple accounting events of the same type so that fewer records are generated.

A brief description of the project.

Provides options for working with Admin Policies. You can add, delete, modify assignment rules, and load and unload admin policies.

Provides options for working with user policies. You can define user based policies and load them into the accounting subsystem so that project assignments can be performed as a function of the UID. You can modify, delete, and unload existing user based policies.

Provides options for working with group policies. You can define group based policies and load them into the accounting subsystem so that project assignment can be performed as a function of the GID. You can modify, delete, and unload existing group based policies.

Provides options for displaying the policies that are currently active.

Reads the /etc/project/.config file to determine the policies that should be automatically loaded and loads them when accounting is started.

If a policy or the system project definition file is currently loaded, automatically unloads them when accounting is started.

Creates the admin policy file where the admin rules for project assignments for a user are kept.

Displays the current admin policy file. You can specify another admin policy file to manage.

Removes the admin policy file that is currently managed.

Adds a rule to the admin policy file.

Displays a list of the rules. You can change the rules in the list.

Removes a rule from the admin policy file.

Provides options for managing alias entries in the chosen alternate configuration.

Provides options for working with project definitions in an alternate configuration.

Loads admin policy rules into the kernel.

Unloads admin policy rules from the kernel.

The name of the current admin policy file. The default is /etc/project/admin. This file defines the set of process attributes that should be used when evaluating a process and is used for assigning projects. An admin policy is composed of the following files:

Specify the admin policy file to switch to.

The record location where the rule should be inserted in the admin policy file. For example, if you specify "2", the rule will be inserted as the second rule in the file.

The user names or aliases to include in this rule. Specify user names as they are specified in the /etc/passwd file. These names are translated into numeric IDs at the time that the policy file is loaded and the numeric IDs are used for all classifications. Specify an alias name with a prefix of "$" to indicate that it is an alias.

The group names or aliases to include in this rule. Specify group names as they are specified in the /etc/group file. The names are translated to numeric group IDs at the time that the Policy File is loaded and numeric IDs are used for all classifications. Specify an alias name with a prefix of "$" to indicate that it is an alias.

One or more fully qualified application names or the command name of a kernel process. Application names can be either full path names or Korn shell patterns that match the path name.

The name of one or more projects associated with this rule. Each entry should be separated with a comma (,).

Specify the admin rule to remove.

Specify the new position that this rule will be moved to in the admin policy file. For example, if you specify "2", the rule will be inserted as the second rule in the file.

Adds a new alias entry for the selected users or groups.

Provides options for showing and changing the details of an alias for the selected users or groups.

Removes the selected alias entry.

Specify the alias file that you want to remove.

Select this option to create or change an alias for a list of users.

Select this option to create or change an alias for a list of groups.

The name of the current admin policy file. The default is /etc/project/admin.

Displays information about a selected project definition. You can change any of the displayed information.

Removes the project definition for the named project from the selected alternate configuration.

Merges the project definitions in the specified files with the system project definition file.

Creates a project list for the specified user.

Displays the project list for the specified user. You can change the items in the project list.

Removes the project list for the specified user.

Displays the project list for all the users.

Loads the user policies into the kernel.

Unloads the user policies from the kernel.

The user ID whose processes are assigned to this list of projects.

The projects to which the user or group processes can be assigned. Specify multiple project names separated by commas. The projects will be added to the user attributes in the /etc/security/user file, for the selected user, or to the /etc/security/group file, for the selected group.

Creates the project list for the specified group.

Displays the project list for the specified group. You can change the items in the list.

Removes the project list for the specified group.

Displays the project list for all the groups.

Loads the group policies into the kernel.

Unloads the group policies from the kernel.

The group ID assigned to this list of projects.

Lists the Current Policy configurations.

Displays the details of boot time policy configurations.

Shows project assignments for the set of active processes.

Changes the project assignment for a process. Advanced Accounting allows processes to be classified under a particular project to enable project based accounting.

Lists the projects that a program can be assigned to.

Starts an application under the assignment of a particular project. By default, this checks whether the application has a valid rule available for classifying under the mentioned project. These rules will be referred from the admin policy file.

The process ID of the process that this project is being assigned to.

Allows any project to be assigned to the application, even when there are no valid rules in the policy file for that application.

Specify the command, with any required arguments, for the application that will be started.

Lists the types of accounting records that can be produced on your system. These records are produced by the kernel, loaded kernel extensions, and by applications.

Provides options for selecting the type of accounting data to collect. See your application documentation to determine which transaction IDs are required.

Configures the accounting system to send status and error messages related to the state of the registered accounting files to the system administrator's mail address. These notifications are posted on the syslog facility and use the following priority levels:

Provides options for enabling and disabling the accounting capabilities for a selected user.

Periodically captures accounting data for the set of active processes. If you select this option, you must also specify a process interval value. Process interval accounting must be activated when using data aggregation.

Periodically captures usage data for system resources like CPU, memory, disks, network interfaces, file systems, and paging space. If you select this option, you must also specify a system interval value.

Enables the same accounting structure to be used for multiple accounting events of the same type by aggregating the process accounting events. This causes fewer records to be generated. It is made available by process interval accounting. Aggregation uses different accounting records, so it is important to verify that your billing solution supports data aggregation. See your application documentation to determine whether it supports aggregation.

Enables the same accounting structure to be used for multiple accounting events of the same type by aggregating the accounting events related to kernel extensions. This causes fewer records to be generated. It is made available by process interval accounting. Aggregation uses different accounting records, so it is important to verify that your billing solution supports data aggregation. See your application documentation to determine whether it supports aggregation.

Enables the same accounting structure to be used for multiple accounting events of the same type by aggregating the accounting events for application transactions. This causes fewer records to be generated. It is made available by process interval accounting. Aggregation uses different accounting records, so it is important to verify that your billing solution supports data aggregation. See your application documentation to determine whether it supports aggregation.

Writes the accounting statistics for the named process to the accounting file.

Starts the Advanced Accounting subsystem. You can start the subsystem immediately, at the next boot time, or both.

When Advanced Accounting is started or restarted, all files should be analyzed to ensure that all the files were returned to the kernel and are not still out for processing.

Stops the advanced accounting subsystem. You can stop the subsystem immediately, at the next boot time, or both.

When Advanced Accounting is stopped, the kernel extension is terminated and any partial files are sent to their users.

Queries details about the current advanced accounting configuration settings.

To send status and error messages related to the state of the registered accounting files to the system administrator's mail address, select "On". To stop sending messages, select "Off".

These notifications are posted on the syslog facility and use the following priority levels:

Specify the mail address of the system administrator who will receive notifications.

Sets the accounting capabilities for a selected user.

Removes the accounting capabilities for a selected user.

The user ID for which this action is being performed.

Periodically captures accounting data for the set of active processes. If you select this option, you must also specify a process interval value. Process interval accounting must be activated when using data aggregation. The default is "off".

Specify an interval value, in minutes.

Periodically captures usage data for system resources like CPU, memory, disks, network interfaces, file systems, and paging space. If you select this option, you must also specify a system interval value. The default is "off".

Specify an interval value, in minutes.

Enables the same accounting structure to be used for multiple accounting events of the same type by aggregating the process accounting events. This causes fewer records to be generated. Select "on" to enable aggregation. Select "off" to disable aggregation.

Generates Advanced Accounting reports based on the report type selected.

Generates Advanced Accounting reports for Process Accounting. The reports can be generated based on the specified selection criteria such as User ID, Group ID, Project ID, Command name, etc. The reports can also be generated for a specified time interval. When no time interval is specified, all relevant records from the accounting file are displayed.

Generates Advanced Accounting reports for LPAR Accounting. The reports can be generated for the selected LPAR resources as well as for a specified time interval. When no time interval is specified, all relevant records from the accounting file are displayed.

Generates Advanced Accounting reports for Transaction Accounting. The generated report will contain statistics from all available ARM transaction records found in the accounting file. The reports can be further filtered based on a specified time interval. When no time interval is specified, all relevant records from the accounting file are displayed.

Generates summarized Process Accounting reports from the specified accounting data file(s), based on the specified selection criteria. The selection criterion can be: By User IDs, By Group IDs, By Project IDs and By Command Names.

Generates summarized Process Accounting reports from the specified accounting data file(s), based on the user specified criteria. The reports can be generated based on any combination of parameters such as specific or all User IDs, Group IDs, Project IDs and Command Names.

Select the criteria for generating a summarized Process Accounting report.

Specify a comma-separated list of Advanced Accounting data files to be used for generating the report. The default data file used is /var/aacct/acctdata.

Specify the beginning of the interval for generating a time-interval-based report.

Specify the end of the interval for generating a time-interval-based report.

Select the filter criterion for generating a project-ID-based Process Accounting report. This filter allows you to generate summarized reports for all or specified project ID(s). If the report need not be based on any Project ID, the filter criterion to be selected is 'Not By Projects.'

Specify the Project ID(s) in case the project filter selected above is 'For specific Project.'

Select the filter criterion for generating a group-ID-based Process Accounting report. This filter allows generating summarized reports for all or specified group ID(s). If the report need not be based on any Group ID, the filter criterion to be selected is 'Not By Group.'

Specify the Group ID(s) in case the group filter selected above is 'For specific Group.'

Select the filter criterion for generating a user-ID-based Process Accounting report. This filter allows generating summarized reports for all or specified user ID(s). If the report need not be based on any User ID, the filter criterion to be selected is 'Not By User.'

Specify the User ID(s) in case the user filter selected above is 'For specific User.'

Select the filter criterion for generating a command-based Process Accounting report. This filter allows generating summarized reports for all or specified command(s). If the report need not be based on any command, the filter criterion to be selected is 'Not By Commands.'

Specify the Command name(s) in case the command filter selected above is 'For specific Commands.'

Select the resource type for which to generate a summarized LPAR Accounting report.

Provides options for starting, stopping and monitoring Advanced Accounting, and for configuring interval accounting, data aggregation and configuring LDAP for Advanced Accounting.

Provides options for configuring the LDAP server and client for managing Advanced Accounting data.

Configures the LDAP server, where the AACCT project and policy information will be hosted. The client machines will be configured to use the data hosted on the LDAP server to manage the system.

Specify the name of the system to be configured as the LDAP server. The fully qualified name of the host should be entered, i.e., along with the domain name.

Bind DN and password entered here will serve as authentication information and same shall be used during client configuration.

Bind DN and password entered here will serve as authentication information and same shall be used during client configuration.

Enter the install point where the projects data would be hosted on the LDAP server. This install point is the LDAP path from where the project would be accessed. The organizational units ou=projects, ou=aacct will be provided under the chosen Install Point.

Enter the install point where the admin policy data should be hosted on the LDAP server. This install point is the LDAP path from where the admin policies would be accessed. The organizational units ou=adminpolicy, ou=aacct will be provided under the chosen Install Point.

Configures the LDAP clients to manage the Advanced Accounting data hosted on the LDAP server.

Specify the frequency of refreshing the AACCT data available on the client machines. This will take care of updating the client machines with the latest AACCT data available on the LDAP server.

Uploads the project definitions to the LDAP server. The project definitions will be picked up from the specified local path or the default LDAP project definition path. When a different DN is passed, the project definitions will be uploaded to that specific DN.

Specify the fully qualified path on the LDAP client, where the project definitions are available. By default, the project definitions under /etc/project/ldap/ will be uploaded.

Enter the specific DN on the LDAP server to which the projects should be uploaded. Default value is "default."

Uploads an admin policy file to the LDAP server. The admin policy file will be picked up from the specified path on the LDAP client. When a different DN is passed, the admin policies will be uploaded to that specific DN.

Specify the fully qualified path on the LDAP client, where the admin policy file is available.

Specify name for the admin policy file on LDAP server, if not specified it will be "default."

Downloads the admin policy and associated alias file from the LDAP server into a local directory. If the admin policy is being downloaded from default admin DN, then corresponding project definition file from default project DN will also be downloaded.

Enter the project repository to be updated. If the input is 'ldap', then the project will be added to the project repository on the LDAP server. If it is 'local', then the local project definition file will be updated.

Enter the project repository to be updated. If the input is 'ldap', then the project will be added to the project repository on the LDAP server. If it is 'local', then the local project definition file will be updated. This field displays on this screen if the system is configured to use LDAP. The default value is decided based on the search order you define. You can override the selection and chose the second item in the list.

Downloads the project definitions from the LDAP server to the LDAP client.

Name and location of the current admin policy file.