SMIT Help Information

Note: The information contained in this article is structured as help information for the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) and is not intended for general reading.

Configuring this system as a Web-based System Manager Remote Management Server enables you to use this system as the managing server to manage this system and others from a remote client. The current configuration status is displayed on the panel.

Select either Default or Other to configure or modify the web server.

Specify the language that will be used for the web server documentation. The specified language will not apply if a user on this system accesses the documentation server in some other way, such as typing a URL in a browser.

Specify whether or not to start the web server at system restart. The default setting is No.

Specify the full path of the top directory where your web server software starts looking for documents that are requested by web browsers. This directory is not always the directory where your documents are actually stored. Your documents may be stored in sub directories under this top HTML directory. Or, this top HTML directory may contain links that point to documents stored in other directory trees.

Different web server software packages use different documents directories. Consult your web server software manual for the name of its top documents directory. Some web server software packages automatically create this directory during installation. Other web server software packages may require you to manually create the documents directory as part of server configuration.

The location of the documents directory is needed so that the operating system can create links in this directory that point to the operating system documentation.

Specify the full path name of the directory where your web server software expects Common Gateway Interface (CGI) programs to be stored. The last directory in the path must be named "cgi-bin" (all lower case).

CGI programs are used by web pages to do tasks such as performing searches or processing forms. Different web server software packages require CGI programs to be stored in different locations. Consult your web server software manual for the full path name of its CGI directory. Some web server software packages automatically create this directory during installation. Others require you to manually create the cgi-bin directory as part of server configuration.

This location of the cgi-bin directory is needed so that the operating system can copy the documentation services CGI programs into the directory.

Specify the full path to the command that starts the web server.

Select yes if you want to install software in all global WPAR environments. Select no if you do not want to install the software in all global WPAR environments.

Select yes if you want to install software for detached WPARs, including WPARs that are not named. Select no if you do not want to install on detached WPARs that are not named.

Enter the detached WPARs names you want to install the software on.

Select yes to remount the installation. Select no and the device from the original installation command is used for the WPAR command, which means that the device has to already be available within the WPAR If this occurs it could be the case for a remote or distributed fs.

Specify the alternate WPAR installation device you want to use. The device you specify is used within the WPAR for the installation command and must already be mounted within the WPAR.

Select yes to synchronize software in detached workload partitions which have a private, writable /usr file system. Select no to perform the synchronization on shared WPARs which mount the /usr file system from the global environment.

Select an installation device for software to be used to synchronize system software in a detatched workload partition which has a private, writable file system with the system software ni the global environment. The installation device cannot be a block or character device. Use this option to attempt to use installation commands to synchronize the detached wpar with the global environment.

Select the paper type to be used for the print job. Use the List feature to select from a list of paper types.

This value overrides the default paper type for the selected paper source in the printer, and may require that you manually load paper of the specified type into the printer.

Select how the print job should be stored in the printer's internal memory for printing at a later time. Use the List feature to select from a list of job storage options.

Note: The job storage feature uses memory from both the hard disk and random access memory (RAM). An optional hard disk may have to be installed in the printer for some of the job storage options to work.

Specify the 4 digit private pin number which will be used to retrieve the stored job from printer. This option is only valid for private jobs.

Specifies whether copies of the print job should be collated.

Electronic Service Agent automatically monitors and collects hardware problem information and sends this information to IBM support. It also can collect hardware, software, system configuration, and performance management information which may help IBM support assist in diagnosing problems.

Specify the amount of I/O memory entitlement assigned to the partition, in Kbytes.

Specify the amount of variable memory capacity weight assigned to the partition.

Specifies the size of the checksum to use for the paging space, in bits. Valid options are 0 (checksums disabled), 8, 16 and 32. Leaving this field blank will cause checksums to be disabled.

Specifies the size of the checksum to use for the paging space, in bits. Valid options are 0 (checksums disabled), 8, 16 and 32. If the paging space is currently swapped on, this setting will not take effect until the next swapon of the paging space. Leaving this field blank will cause checksums to be disabled.

By default this field is set to no, which will disable quorum after the volume group is mirrored. Set this option to yes, if you want to keep quorum enabled after mirroring the volume group.

Set this field to yes to allow mirroring of logical volumes in the exact physical partition order that the original copy is ordered.

Specify the address where the system is located. For example, 133 7th Street North.

Specify the name of the city where the system is located. For example, Chicago or Winnipeg.

Specify the short name for the state or province where the system is located. For example, use IL to represent Illinois or use MB to represent Manitoba.

Specify the postal code of the company. For example, Chicago has a zip code of 60606 and Winnipeg has a zip code of R2E1B8.

Specify the building, floor and office where the system is located. For example, 111 (building), 2 (floor), B-102 (office number).

Displays the absolute path name of the file that the Logical Unit Number (LUN) will be backed on. The file must be located on a local filesystem.

A Background Medium Scan scans the target device medium and reads the logical blocks without using any bandwidth of physical transport bus for identifying logical blocks that are difficult to read or unreadable, logging read problems, and when allowed taking a vendor-specific action to make the logical block readable again.

You can use the features mentioned above by using the bg_medium_scan attribute. When bg_medium_scan is set to 'default', it indicates the driver to use Background Medium Scanning values as indicated by device desired data. When bg_medium_scan is set to 'disable', the Background Medium Scanning is disabled on the disk.

Specify what mechanism will be used to register iSCSI targets. If you select the default setting of "none", registration will not occur.

Select "slp" which refers to the Service Location Protocol if you want to register with Directory Agent if any and if no Directory Agent is found, a registration with a Service Agent is done. The Service Location Protocol allows iSCSI initiators to automatically discover iSCSI targets that are registered into SLP Directory Agent or Service Agent.

Select "isns" which refers to the Internet Storage Name Service, if you want to register with discover iSNS Servers and register with them. If no iSNS Server is found, the registration fails. The Internet Storage Name Service allows iSCSI initiators to automatically discover iSCSI targets that are registered into iSNS Servers.

Select "slp&isns" if you want to use both SLP and iSNS protocols to register the target. If one of the iSCSI target registration fails, the configuration will fail.

Specify how long a Directory Agent can cache the SLP registration. Service Agents should reregister before the specified lifetime expires. This function allows you to remove SLP registration of targets that are down. When the target is configured, a local SLP Service Agent (slp_srvreg) is started and it will automatically refresh SLP registrations.

Specify the iSNS Servers that will register the target. The iSNS Servers are defined into the configuration file /etc/tmiscsi/isns_servers.

Press "F4" to view the list of iSNS Servers defined in the isns_servers file and their settings. Select the servers that you want the target to register with (multiple selections are possible) and press Enter. When done, the field is filled with selected iSNS server names.

Specify "auto" if you want the Service Location Protocol to discover SLP registered iSNS servers, and have the target registered with the iSNS servers found. If no iSNS server is found with SLP, the target configuration will fail.