Resources (objects) operated on by Verbs

Completion Queue (CQ):
A queue (FIFO) which contains CQEs. Associated with a queue pair, they are used to receive completion notifications and events.
Completion Queue Entry (CQE):
An entry in the CQ that describes the information about the completed WR (status, size, etc.)
Event Channel:
Used to report communication events. Each event channel is mapped to a file descriptor. The associated file descriptor can be used and manipulated like any other fd to change its behavior. Users may make the fd non-blocking, poll, or select the fd, etc.
Memory Region (MR):
A set of memory buffers that are already registered with access permissions. These buffers require registration in order for the network adapter to make use of them.
Protection Domain (PD):
Protection domains enable a client to associate multiple resources, such as queue pairs, and memory regions, within a domain of trust. The client can then grant access rights for sending/receiving data within the protection domain to others that are on the RDMA fabric.
Queue Pair (QP):
Queue pairs (QPs) contain a send queue, for sending outbound messages and requesting RDMA operations, and a receive queue for receiving incoming messages or immediate data.
Scatter /Gather Elements (SGE):
An entry to a pointer to a full or a part of a local registered memory block. The element holds the start address of the block, size, and lkey (with its associated permissions).
S/G Array:
An array of S/G elements which exists in a Work Request (WR) that according to the used opcode either collects data from multiple buffers and sends them as a single stream or takes a single stream and breaks it down to numerous buffers.
Work Queue (WQ):
Send Queue or Receive Queue.
Work Queue Element (WQE):
An element in a work queue.
Work Request (WR):
A request that was posted by a user to a work queue.
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