
Queries the P_Key table of an RDMA port.


#include <rdma/verbs.h>
int ibv_query_pkey(struct ibv_context *context, uint8_t port_num, int index, uint16_t *pkey)


The ibv_query_pkey() routine returns the P_Key value in the entry index of port port_num for device context context through the pointer pkey.

Input Parameters

context Valid context pointer returned by ibv_open_device().
port_num Valid port number for the device returned by ibv_query_device().
index Valid index for port_num from attributes returned by ibv_query_port().

Output Parameter

pkey Valid pointer to store protection key.

Return Values

0 On success.
-1 If the request fails because, the context or pkey parameter is NULL or the open or write operation failed on the OFED admin device /dev/rdma/ofed_adm.
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