
Posts a list of work requests (WRs) to a receive queue.


#include <rdma/verbs.h>
int ibv_post_recv(struct ibv_qp *qp, struct ibv_recv_wr *wr, struct ibv_recv_wr **bad_wr)


The ibv_post_recv() routine posts the linked list of work requests (WRs) starting with wr to the receive queue of the queue pair qp. The routine stops processing WRs from the list at the first failure that can be detected immediately while requests are being posted, and returns the failing WR through bad_wr.

The argument wr is an ibv_recv_wr struct, as defined in <rdma/verbs.h>.
struct ibv_recv_wr {
        uint64_t							wr_id;		/* User defined WR ID */
        struct ibv_recv_wr			*next;		/* Pointer to next WR in list, NULL if last WR */
        struct ibv_sge				*sg_list;	/* Pointer to the s/g array */
        int										num_sge;	/* Size of the s/g array */

struct ibv_sge {
        uint64_t							addr;		/* Start address of the local memory buffer */
        uint32_t							length;	/* Length of the buffer */
        uint32_t							lkey;		/* Key of the local Memory Region */
Note: The buffers used by a WR can only be safely reused after the request is complete and a work completion is retrieved from the corresponding completion queue (CQ).

Input Parameters

qp Specifies the struct ibv_qp from ibv_create_qp.
wr Specifies the first work request (WR) containing receive buffers.

Output Parameter

bad_wr Specifies the pointer to first rejected WR.

Return Values

0 On success.
errno On failure.
EINVAL If qp, qp->context, wr, or wr->sg_list is NULL.
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