tokmpx Token-Ring Device Handler Entry Point


Note: This function is supported in AIX® 5.1 and earlier only.

Allocates and deallocates a channel for the token-ring device handler.


#include <sys/device.h>
#include <sys/comio.h>
#include <sys/tokuser.h>
int tokmpx (devno, chanp, channame)
dev_t devno;
int *chanp;
char *channame;


Item Description
devno Specifies major and minor device numbers.
chanp Specifies the channel ID passed as a reference parameter. If the channame parameter is null, this is the ID of the channel to be deallocated. Otherwise, this parameter is set to the ID of the allocated channel.
channame Points to the remaining path name describing the channel to allocate. The channame parameter accepts the following values:
Deallocates the channel.
Pointer to a null string
Allows a normal open sequence of the token-ring device on the channel ID generated by the tokmpx entry point.
Pointer to a "D"
Allows the token-ring device to be opened in Diagnostic mode on the channel ID generated by the tokmpx entry point.
Pointer to a "W"
Allows the token-ring device to be opened in Diagnostic mode with the adapter in Wrap mode on the channel ID generated by the tokmpx entry point.


The tokmpx entry point is not called directly by a user of the token-ring device handler. The kernel calls the tokmpx entry point in response to an open or close request.

If the token-ring device has been successfully opened, any Diagnostic-mode open request is unsuccessful.

The tokmpx entry point functions with a Token-Ring High Performance Network Adapter that has been correctly configured for use on a qualified network. Consult adapter specifications for more information on configuring the adapter and network qualifications.

Execution Environment

The tokmpx entry point can be called from the process environment only.

Return Values

Item Description
EBUSY Indicates the device was already open in Diagnostic mode and the open request was denied.
ENOMSG Indicates an error occurred.
ENXIO Indicates the specified minor number is not valid.
ENOSPC Indicates the maximum number of opens has been exceeded.