phys_displays Structure

Each display driver allocates and initializes a phys_displays structure during configuration. The phys_displays structure is defined in the /usr/include/sys/display.h file. The display driver stores a pointer to the phys_displays structure in the display driver's devsw structure, which is then added to the device switch table. A pointer to the display driver's vtmstruct structure is initialized in the phys_displays structure when the display driver's vttact routine is called. The phys_displays structure is defined as follows:
Note: Micro Channelmachines only run AIX® 5.1 or earlier.
struct phys_displays {              /***********************************/
       struct {                     /* data to set up interrupt call */
           struct intr intr;        /* at init time (i_init) */
           long intr_args[4];       /* */
       } interrupt_data;            /***********************************/
       struct phys_displays *same_level; /* other interrupts on same level */
       struct phys_displays *next;  /* ptr to next minor number data */
        struct _gscDev       *pGSC; /* device struct used by rcm */
       dev_t devno;                 /* Device number of this adapter */
       struct lft        *lftanchor;/* lft subsystem */
       int dds_length;              /* length in bytes */
       char *odmdds;                /* ptr to define device structure */
       struct display_info display_info; /* display information */
       uchar disp_devid[4];         /* device information */
                                    /* [1] = 04=display device */
                                    /* [2] = 21=reserved 22=reserved */
                                    /*        25=reserved 27=reserved */
                                    /*        29=reserved */
                                    /* [3] = 00=functional */
                                    /* [4] = 01-04=adapter instance */
       uchar usage;                 /* number of VT's using real screen */
                                    /*   used to prevent deletion of */
                                    /*   real screen from configuration */
                                    /*   if any VT is using it. */
       uchar open_cnt;              /* Open flag for display */
       uchar display_mode;          /* Actual state of the display, */
                                    /* not the virtual terminal: */
                                    /* KSR_MODE or MOM_MODE (see vt.h) */
       uchar dma_characteristics;   /* Attributes related to DMA ops */
#      define DMA_SLAVE_DEV       1 /* Device is bus slave, ow. master */
       struct font_data *default_font; /* Pointer to the default font for */
                                    /*   this display */
       struct vtmstruc       *visible_vt;       /* Pointer to current vt active or */
                                    /*   pseudo-active on THIS display */
                                    /* DMA Data Areas */
       int  dma_chan_id;            /* channel id returned from d_init */
       struct dma_bufs              /* DMA buffer structure */
              d_dma_area[MAXDMABUFS]; /* */
                                    /* Rendering Context Manager Areas */
       rcmProcPtr cur_rcm;          /* Pointer to current rcm on this */
                                    /* display */
       int num_domains;             /* number of domains */
       int dwa_device;              /* supports direct window access */
       struct _bmr                  /* bus memory ranges */
              busmemr[MAX_DOMAINS]; /* */
       uint io_range;               /* Used for MCA adapter only! */
                                    /* low limit in high short */
                                    /* high limit in low short */
                                    /* to match IOCC register */
       uint *free_area;             /* area free for usage in a device */
                                    /*   dependent manner by the VDD */
                                    /*   for this real screen. */
#ifndef __64BIT_KERNEL
#define RCM_ACC_METHOD_1       (0L) /* MCA and SGA bus adapters */
#define RCM_ACC_METHOD_2       (1L) /* 60X and PCI bus adapters */
       uint access_method;          /* Access method flags */
#ifndef __64BIT_KERNEL
#define RCM_RUBY_NO_MAP        (1L) /* Tells RCM to not map the space */
       uint access_flags;           /* Misc flags (used for Ruby now) */
        uint reserved13[13];
       int current_dpm_phase;       /* current phase of DPM this display is in */
                                    /* full-on=1, standby=2, suspend=3, off=4 */
#define       DPMS_ON            0x1
#define       DPMS_STANDBY       0x2
#define       DPMS_SUSPEND       0x3
#define       DPMS_OFF           0x4
       int              NumAddrRanges;
       rcmAddrRange       *AddrRange;
       int reserved4;
       int (*reserved7)();          /***********************************/
                                    /* VDD Function Pointers */
       int (*vttpwrphase)();        /* power management phase change */
                                    /* function.  It's device dependent */
       int (*vttact)();             /* Activate the display */
       int (*vttcfl)();             /* Move lines around */
       int (*vttclr)();             /* Clear a box on screen */
       int (*vttcpl)();             /* Copy a part of the line */
       int (*vttdact)();            /* Mark the terminal as being */
                                    /*   deactivated */
       int (*vttddf)();             /* Device dependent functions */
                                    /*   i.e. Pacing, context support */
       int (*vttdefc)();            /* Change the cursor shape */
       int (*vttdma)();             /* Issue dma operation */
       int (*vttdma_setup)();       /*  Setup dma */
       int (*vttterm)();            /* Free any resources used */
                                    /*   by this VT */
       int (*vttinit)();            /* setup new logical terminal */
       int (*vttmovc)();            /* Move the cursor to the */
                                    /*   position indicated */
       int (*vttrds)();             /* Read a line segment */
       int (*vtttext)();            /* Write a string of chars */
       int (*vttscr)();             /* Scroll text on the VT */
       int (*vttsetm)();            /* Set mode to KSR or MOM */
       int (*vttstct)();            /* Change color mappings */
       int (*reserved5)();          /* Despite its name, this field is */
                                    /* used for kdb debug */
       int (*bind_draw_read_windows)();
                                    /* RCM Function Pointers */
       int (*make_gp)();            /*  Make a graphics process */
       int (*unmake_gp)();          /*  Unmake a graphics process */
       int (*state_change)();       /*  State change handler invoked */
       int (*update_read_win_geom)();
       int (*create_rcx)();         /*  Create a hardware context */
       int (*delete_rcx)();         /*  Delete a hardware context */
#ifdef __64BIT_KERNEL
       int (*reserved21)();
       int (*reserved22)();
       int (*reserved23)();
       int (*reserved24)();
       int (*create_rcxp)();         /*  Create a context part */
       int (*delete_rcxp)();         /*  Delete a context part */
       int (*associate_rcxp)();      /*  Link a part to a context */
       int (*disassociate_rcxp)();   /*  Unlink a part from a context */
       int (*create_win_geom)();     /*  Create a window on the screen */
       int (*delete_win_geom)();     /*  Delete a window on the screen */
       int (*update_win_geom)();     /*  Update a window on the screen */
#ifdef __64BIT_KERNEL
       int (*reserved25)();
       int (*reserved26)();
       int (*reserved27)();
       int (*create_win_attr)();     /*  Create a window on the screen */
       int (*delete_win_attr)();     /*  Delete a window on the screen */
       int (*update_win_attr)();     /*  Update a window on the screen */
       int (*bind_window)();         /*  Update a window bound to rcx */
       int (*start_switch)();        /*  Start a context switch */
                                     /*  Note: This routine runs on */
                                     /*  the interrupt level */
       int (*end_switch)();          /*  Finish the context switch */
                                     /*  started by start_switch() */
#ifdef __64BIT_KERNEL
       int (*reserved28)();
       int (*reserved29)();
       int (*reserved30)();
       int (*reserved31)();
       int (*check_dev)();           /*  Check if this address beints */
                                     /*  to this device. */
                                     /*  Note: this is run on interrupt */
                                     /*  level. */
       int (*async_mask)();          /* Set async events reporting */
       int (*sync_mask)();           /* Set sync events reporting */
       int (*enable_event)();        /* Turns adapter function on */
                                     /* without reports to application */
       int (*create_thread)();       /* Make a graphics thread */
       int (*delete_thread)();       /* Delete a graphics thread */
       void (*give_up_time_slice)(); /* Relinquish remaining time */
#ifdef __64BIT_KERNEL
       int (*reserved32)();
       int (*diag_svc)();            /* Diagnostics Services (DMA) */
       int (*dev_init)();            /* Device dep. initialization */
#ifdef __64BIT_KERNEL
       int (*reserved33)();
       int (*dev_term)();            /* Device dep. cleanup */
                                     /* Font Support Function Pointers */
#ifdef __64BIT_KERNEL
        int (*reserved34)();
        int (*pinned_font_ready)();
       int (*vttddf_fast)();         /* fast ddf functions */
        ushort bus_type;             /* indicates what type of bus */
#ifndef __64BIT_KERNEL
#       define  DISP_BUS_MCA    0x8000/* Microchannel */
#       define  DISP_BUS_SGA    0x4000/* currently not used */
#       define  DISP_BUS_PPC    0x2000/* processor bus */
#       define  DISP_PLANAR     0x0800/* planar registers */
#       define  DISP_BUS_PCI    0x1000/* PCI bus */

        ushort flags;                /* physical display flags */

#       define GS_DD_DOES_AS_ATT(1L << 0)/* no as_att() by RCM */
                                     /* not currently used */
#       define GS_BUS_AUTH_CONTROL(1L << 1)/* Request bus access ctrl */
#       define GS_HAS_INTERRUPT_HANDLER (1L << 2)/* 1 after i_init() */
                                     /* 0 after i_clear() */
                                     /* not currently used */
#       define GS_DD_SUPPORTS_MP (1L << 3)
       uint       reserved11[5];     /* not used */
        int             ear;         /* image for EAR reg (xferdata) if !0 */
       uint       spares[18];        /* not used - for future development */