mpselect Multiprotocol (MPQP) Device Handler Entry Point


Note: This function is supported in AIX® 5.1 and earlier only.

Provides the means for determining whether specified events have occurred on the Multiprotocol Quad Port (MPQP) device.


#include <sys/devices.h>
#include <sys/comio.h>
int mpselect (devno, events, reventp, chan)
dev_t devno;
ushort events;
ushort *reventp;
int chan;


Item Description
devno Specifies major and minor device numbers.
events Identifies the events to check.
reventp Returns events pointer. This parameter is passed by reference and is used by the mpselect entry point to indicate which of the selected events are true at the time of the call.
chan Specifies the channel number assigned by the mpmpx entry point.


Note: Only user-mode processes can use the mpselect entry point.

The mpselect entry point provides the means for determining if specified events have occurred on the MPQP device. This entry point is supported similar to the ddselect communications entry point.

The mpselect entry point functions with a 4-Port Multiprotocol Interface adapter that has been correctly configured for use on a qualified network. Consult adapter specifications for more information on configuring the adapter and network qualifications.

Execution Environment

The mpselect entry point can be called from the process environment only.

Return Values

The common return codes for the mpselect entry point are the following:

Return Code Description
ENXIO Indicates an attempt to use an unconfigured device.
EINVAL Indicates the select operation was called from a kernel process.
ECHNG Indicates the channel number is too large.