TABDEADZONE (Set Tablet Dead Zone)


Sets tablet dead zone.


#include <sys/inputdd.h> int ioctl (FileDescriptor, TABDEADZONE, Arg) int FileDescriptor; ulong *Arg;


The TABDEADZONE ioctl subroutine call specifies the edges of a zone on the tablet. When the puck is outside of this zone, motion events are not reported (button events are still reported). The high-order two bytes of the Arg parameter specify the horizontal edge and the low-order two bytes of the Arg parameter specify the vertical edge of the zone. If the tablet is configured with a center origin, the negative of the horizontal value becomes the bottom edge of the zone and the horizontal value becomes the top edge of the zone square. The left and right edges of the zone are generated from the vertical specification in a similar fashion. The minimum horizontal or vertical specification is 0 and the maximum horizontal or vertical specification is 32767.


Item Description
FileDescriptor Specifies the open file descriptor for the tablet.
Arg Specifies the address of the dead zone specification.