MSCALE (Set Mouse Scale Factor)


Sets mouse scale factor.


#include <sys/inputdd.h>

int ioctl
FileDescriptor, MSCALE, Arg)
int  FileDescriptor;
uint * Arg;


The MSCALE ioctl subroutine call provides a course/fine tracking response. The reported horizontal and vertical movement is converted as follows:

Reported Value
Real Value 1:1 Scale 2:1 Scale
          0           0           0
          1           1           1
          2           2           1
          3           3           3
          4           4           6
          5           5           9
          N           N        N x 2
  where N >= 6    

The default scale factor is 1:1.


Item Description
FileDescriptor Specifies the open file descriptor for the mouse.
Arg Specifies the address of an integer where value is one of the following values:
#define MSCALE11   1  /* 1:1 scale*/
#define MSCALE21   2  /* 2:1 scale*/