IOCINFO (Device Information) tmssa Device Driver ioctl Operation


To return information about the device in a structure that is defined in the /usr/include/sys/devinfo.h file.


This operation allows you to supply a pointer to the address of an area of type struct devinfo in the arg parameter to the IOCINFO operation. This structure is defined in the /usr/include/sys/devinfo.h file. The SCSI target-mode union is used for this as follows:


Item Description
buf_size Size of transmit buffer.
num_bufs Number of transmit buffers.
max_transfer Unused. Set to zero.
adap_devno Major or Minor devno of SSA adapter to be used for the next transmit operation.

Use TM_GetDevinfoNodeNum( ) to read the node number to which the data is sent.


Item Description
buf_size Size of receive buffer.
num_bufs Number of receive buffers.
max_transfer Unused. Set to zero.
adap_devno Major or Minor devno of SSA adapter initially used by the paired initiator-mode device.

Use TM_GetDevinfoNodeNum( ) to read the node number from which the data is received.

The remainder of the structure is filled as follows:

Item Description
devtype DD_TMSCSI.
flags Set to zero.
devsubtype DS_TM.