
About This Book
Case-Sensitivity in AIX®
ISO 9000
32-Bit and 64-Bit Support for the Single UNIX® Specification
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Configuration Subsystem
attrval Device Configuration Subroutine
busresolve Device Configuration Subroutine
genmajor Device Configuration Subroutine
genminor Device Configuration Subroutine
genseq Device Configuration Subroutine
getattr Device Configuration Subroutine
getminor Device Configuration Subroutine
loadext Device Configuration Subroutine
putattr Device Configuration Subroutine
reldevno Device Configuration Subroutine
relmajor Device Configuration Subroutine
Writing Optional Start and Stop Methods
Writing a Change Method
Writing a Configure Method
Writing a Define Method
Writing an Unconfigure Method
Writing an Undefine Method
Device Methods for Adapter Cards: Guidelines
Machine Device Driver
Loading a Device Driver
How Device Methods Return Errors
ODM Device Configuration Object Classes
Configuration Rules (Config_Rules) Object Class
Customized Attribute (CuAt) Object Class
Customized Dependency (CuDep) Object Class
Customized Device Driver (CuDvDr) Object Class
Customized Devices (CuDv) Object Class
Customized VPD (CuVPD) Object Class
Predefined Attribute (PdAt) Object Class
Predefined Attribute Extended (PdAtXtd) Object Class
Adapter-Specific Considerations for the Predefined Attribute (PdAt) Object Class
Predefined Connection (PdCn) Object Class
Predefined Devices (PdDv) Object Class
Adapter-Specific Considerations for the Predefined Devices (PdDv) Object Class
Communications Subsystem
ddclose Communications PDH Entry Point
dd_fastwrt Communications PDH Entry Point
CIO_GET_FASTWRT ddioctl Communications PDH Operation
CIO_GET_STAT ddioctl Communications PDH Operation
CIO_HALT ddioctl Communications PDH Operation
CIO_QUERY ddioctl Communications PDH Operation
CIO_START ddioctl Communications PDH Operation
ddopen (Kernel Mode) Communications PDH Entry Point
ddopen (User Mode) Communications PDH Entry Point
ddread Communications PDH Entry Point
ddselect Communications PDH Entry Point
ddwrite Communications PDH Entry Point
ent_fastwrt Ethernet Device Handler Entry Point
entclose Ethernet Device Handler Entry Point
entconfig Ethernet Device Handler Entry Point
entioctl Ethernet Device Handler Entry Point
CCC_GET_VPD (Query Vital Product Data) entioctl Ethernet Device Handler Operation
CIO_GET_FASTWRT (Get Fast Write) entioctl Ethernet Device Handler Operation
CIO_GET_STAT (Get Status) entioctl Ethernet Device Handler Operation
CIO_HALT (Halt Device) entioctl Ethernet Device Handler Operation
CIO_QUERY (Query Statistics) entioctl Ethernet Device Handler Operation
CIO_START (Start Device) entioctl Ethernet Device Handler Operation
ENT_SET_MULTI (Set Multicast Address) entioctl Ethernet Device Handler Operation
IOCINFO (Describe Device) entioctl Ethernet Device Handler Operation
entmpx Ethernet Device Handler Entry Point
entopen Ethernet Device Handler Entry Point
entread Ethernet Device Handler Entry Point
entselect Ethernet Device Handler Entry Point
entwrite Ethernet Device Handler Entry Point
mpclose Multiprotocol (MPQP) Device Handler Entry Point
mpconfig Multiprotocol (MPQP) Device Handler Entry Point
mpioctl Multiprotocol (MPQP) Device Handler Entry Point
CIO_GET_STAT (Get Status) mpioctl MPQP Device Handler Operation
CIO_HALT (Halt Device) mpioctl MPQP Device Handler Operation
CIO_QUERY (Query Statistics) mpioctl MPQP Device Handler Operation
CIO_START (Start Device) mpioctl MPQP Device Handler Operation
MP_CHG_PARMS (Change Parameters) mpioctl MPQP Device Handler Operation
MP_START_AR (Start Autoresponse) and MP_STOP_AR (Stop Autoresponse) mpioctl MPQP Device Handler Operations
mpmpx Multiprotocol (MPQP) Device Handler Entry Point
mpopen Multiprotocol (MPQP) Device Handler Entry Point
mpread Multiprotocol (MPQP) Device Handler Entry Point
mpselect Multiprotocol (MPQP) Device Handler Entry Point
mpwrite Multiprotocol (MPQP) Device Handler Entry Point
tsclose Multiprotocol (PCI MPQP) Device Handler Entry Point
tsconfig Multiprotocol (PCI MPQP) Device Handler Entry Point
tsioctl Multiprotocol (PCI MPQP) Device Handler Entry Point
CIO_GET_STAT (Get Status) tsioctl PCI MPQP Device Handler Operation
CIO_HALT (Halt Device) tsioctl PCI MPQP Device Handler Operation
CIO_QUERY (Query Statistics) tsioctl PCI MPQP Device Handler Operation
CIO_START (Start Device) tsioctl PCI MPQP Device Handler Operation
MP_CHG_PARMS (Change Parameters) tsioctl PCI MPQP Device Handler Operation
tsmpx Multiprotocol (PCI MPQP) Device Handler Entry Point
tsopen Multiprotocol (PCI MPQP) Device Handler Entry Point
tsread Multiprotocol (PCI MPQP) Device Handler Entry Point
tsselect Multiprotocol (PCI MPQP) Device Handler Entry Point
tswrite Multiprotocol (PCI MPQP) Device Handler Entry Point
Sense Data for the Serial Optical Link Device Driver
sol_close Serial Optical Link Device Handler Entry Point
sol_config Serial Optical Link Device Handler Entry Point
sol_fastwrt Serial Optical Link Device Handler Entry Point
sol_ioctl Serial Optical Link Device Handler Entry Point
CIO_GET_FASTWRT (Get Fast Write) sol_ioctl Serial Optical Link Device Handler Operation
CIO_GET_STAT (Get Status) sol_ioctl Serial Optical Link Device Handler Operation
CIO_HALT (Halt Device) sol_ioctl Serial Optical Link Device Handler Operation
CIO_QUERY (Query Statistics) sol_ioctl Serial Optical Link Device Handler Operation
CIO_START (Start Device) sol_ioctl Serial Optical Link Device Handler Operation
IOCINFO (Describe Device) sol_ioctl Serial Optical Link Device Handler Operation
SOL_CHECK_PRID (Check Processor ID) sol_ioctl Serial Optical Link Device Handler Operation
SOL_GET_PRIDS (Get Processor IDs) sol_ioctl Serial Optical Link Device Handler Operation
sol_mpx Serial Optical Link Device Handler Entry Point
sol_open Serial Optical Link Device Handler Entry Point
sol_read Serial Optical Link Device Handler Entry Point
sol_select Serial Optical Link Device Handler Entry Point
sol_write Serial Optical Link Device Handler Entry Point
tokclose Token-Ring Device Handler Entry Point
tokconfig Token-Ring Device Handler Entry Point
tokdump Token-Ring Device Handler Entry Point
tokdumpwrt Token-Ring Device Handler Entry Point
tokfastwrt Token-Ring Device Handler Entry Point
tokioctl Token-Ring Device Handler Entry Point
CIO_GET_FASTWRT (Get Fast Write) tokioctl Token-Ring Device Handler Operation
CIO_GET_STAT (Get Status) tokioctl Token-Ring Device Handler Operation
CIO_HALT (Halt Device) tokioctl Token-Ring Device Handler Operation
CIO_QUERY (Query Statistics) tokioctl Token-Ring Device Handler Operation
CIO_START (Start Device) tokioctl Token-Ring Device Handler Operation
IOCINFO (Describe Device) tokioctl Token-Ring Device Handler Operation
TOK_FUNC_ADDR (Set Functional Address) tokioctl Token-Ring Device Handler Operation
TOK_GRP_ADDR (Set Group Address) tokioctl Token-Ring Device Handler Operation
TOK_QVPD (Query Vital Product Data) tokioctl Token-Ring Device Handler Operation
TOK_RING_INFO (Query Token-Ring) tokioctl Token-Ring Device Handler Operation
tokmpx Token-Ring Device Handler Entry Point
tokopen Token-Ring Device Handler Entry Point
tokread Token-Ring Device Handler Entry Point
tokselect Token-Ring Device Handler Entry Point
tokwrite Token-Ring Device Handler Entry Point
LFT Subsystem
lft_t Structure
lft_dds_t Structure
phys_displays Structure
vtmstruct Structure
Virtual Display Driver (VDD) Interface (lftvi)
Input Device Driver ioctl Operations
IOCINFO (Return devinfo Structure) ioctl Input Device Driver
KSQUERYID (Query Keyboard Device Identifier)
KSQUERYSV (Query Keyboard Service Vector)
KSREGRING (Register Input Ring)
KSRFLUSH (Flush Input Ring)
KSLED (Illuminate/Darken Keyboard LEDs)
KSCFGCLICK (Enable/Disable Keyboard Clicker)
KSVOLUME (Set Alarm Volume) ioctl
KSALARM (Sound Alarm)
KSTRATE (Set Typematic Rate)
KSTDELAY (Set Typematic Delay)
KSKAP (Enable/Disable Keep Alive Poll)
KSKAPACK (Acknowledge Keep Alive Poll)
KSDIAGMODE (Enable/Disable Diagnostics Mode)
MQUERYID (Query Mouse Device Identifier)
MREGRING (Register Input Ring)
MRFLUSH (Flush Input Ring)
MTHRESHOLD (Set Mouse Reporting Threshold)
MRESOLUTION (Set Mouse Resolution)
MSCALE (Set Mouse Scale Factor)
MSAMPLERATE (Set Mouse Sample Rate)
TABQUERYID (Query Tablet Device Identifier) ioctl Tablet Device Driver Operation
TABREGRING (Register Input Ring)
TABRFLUSH (Flush Input Ring
TABCONVERSION (Set Tablet Conversion Mode)
TABRESOLUTION (Set Tablet Resolution)
TABORIGIN (Set Tablet Origin)
TABSAMPLERATE (Set Tablet Sample Rate) ioctl Tablet Device Driver Operation
TABDEADZONE (Set Tablet Dead Zone)
GIOQUERYID (Query Attached Devices)
DIALREGRING (Register Input Ring)
DIALRFLUSH (Flush Input Ring)
DIALSETGRAND (Set Dial Granularity)
LPFKREGRING (Register Input Ring)
LPFKRFLUSH (Flush Input Ring)
LPFKLIGHT (Set/Reset Key Lights)
dd_open LFT Device Driver Interface
dd_close LFT Device Driver Interface
dd_ioctl LFT Device Driver Interface
Printer Subsystems
Subroutines for Print Formatters
piocmdout Subroutine
pioexit Subroutine
piogetattrs Subroutine
piogetopt Subroutine
piogetstatus Subroutine
piogetstr Subroutine
piogetvals Subroutine
piomsgout Subroutine
pioputattrs Subroutine
pioputstatus Subroutine
Subroutines for Writing a Print Formatter
passthru Subroutine
restore Subroutine
setup Subroutine
SCSI Subsystem
scdisk SCSI Device Driver
scsidisk SAM Device Driver
tape SCSI Device Driver
sctape FC Device Driver
scsesdd SCSI Device Driver
scsisesdd SAM Device Driver
Parallel SCSI Adapter Device Driver
SCIOCMD SCSI Adapter Device Driver ioctl Operation
SCIODIAG (Diagnostic) SCSI Adapter Device Driver ioctl Operation
SCIODNLD (Download) SCSI Adapter Device Driver ioctl Operation
SCIOEVENT (Event) SCSI Adapter Device Driver ioctl Operation
SCIOGTHW (Gathered Write) SCSI Adapter Device Driver ioctl Operation
SCIOHALT (Halt) SCSI Adapter Device Driver ioctl Operation
SCIOINQU (Inquiry) SCSI Adapter Device Driver ioctl Operation
SCIOREAD (Read) SCSI Adapter Device Driver ioctl Operation
SCIORESET (Reset) SCSI Adapter Device Driver ioctl Operation
SCIOSTART (Start SCSI) Adapter Device Driver ioctl Operation
SCIOSTARTTGT (Start Target) SCSI Adapter Device Driver ioctl Operation
SCIOSTOP (Stop) Device SCSI Adapter Device Driver ioctl Operation
SCIOSTOPTGT (Stop Target) SCSI Adapter Device Driver ioctl Operation
SCIOSTUNIT (Start Unit) SCSI Adapter Device Driver ioctl Operation
SCIOTRAM (Diagnostic) SCSI Adapter Device Driver ioctl Operation
SCIOTUR (Test Unit Ready) SCSI Adapter Device Driver ioctl Operation
tmscsi SCSI Device Driver
IOCINFO (Device Information) tmscsi Device Driver ioctl Operation
TMCHGIMPARM (Change Parameters) tmscsi Device Driver ioctl Operation
TMGETSENS (Request Sense) tmscsi Device Driver ioctl Operation
TMIOASYNC (Async) tmscsi Device Driver ioctl Operation
TMIOCMD (Direct) tmscsi Device Driver ioctl Operation
TMIOEVNT (Event) tmscsi Device Driver ioctl Operation
TMIORESET (Reset Device) tmscsi Device Driver ioctl Operation
TMIOSTAT (Status) tmscsi Device Driver ioctl Operation
Integrated Device Electronics (IDE)
IDE Adapter Device Driver
idecdrom IDE Device Driver
idedisk IDE Device Driver
IDEIOIDENT (Identify Device) IDE Adapter Device Driver ioctl Operation
IDEIOINQU (Inquiry) IDE Adapter Device Driver ioctl Operation
IDEIOREAD (Read) IDE Adapter Device Driver ioctl Operation
IDEIOSTART (Start IDE) IDE Adapter Device Driver ioctl Operation
IDEIOSTOP (Stop) IDE Adapter Device Driver ioctl Operation
IDEIOSTUNIT (Start Unit) IDE Adapter Device Driver ioctl Operation
IDEIOTUR (Test Unit Ready) IDE Adapter Device Driver ioctl Operation
SSA Subsystem
SSA Subsystem Overview
SSA Adapter Device Driver
SSA Adapter Device Driver Direct Call Entry Point
IOCINFO (Device Information) SSA Adapter Device Driver ioctl Operation
SSA_GET_ENTRY_POINT SSA Adapter Device Driver ioctl Operation
SSA_TRANSACTION SSA Adapter Device Driver ioctl Operation
ssadisk SSA Disk Device Driver
IOCINFO (Device Information) SSA Disk Device Driver ioctl Operation
SSADISK_ISALMgr_CMD (ISAL Manager Command) SSA Disk Device Driver ioctl Operation
SSADISK_ISAL_CMD (ISAL Command) SSA Disk Device Driver ioctl Operation
SSADISK_SCSI_CMD (SCSI Command) SSA Disk Device Driver ioctl Operation
SSADISK_LIST_PDISKS SSA Disk Device Driver ioctl Operation
SSA Disk Concurrent Mode of Operation Interface
SSA Disk Fencing
SSA Target Mode
SSA tmssa Device Driver
tmssa Special File
IOCINFO (Device Information) tmssa Device Driver ioctl Operation
TMIOSTAT (Status) tmssa Device Driver ioctl Operation
TMCHGIMPARM (Change Parameters) tmssa Device Driver ioctl Operation
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