setioctlrv Subroutine


Sets a value to be returned by an ioctl routine.


void setioctlrv (ioctlrv)
int ioctlrv;


Item Description
ioctlrv Specifies an integer value to be returned by a successful completion of the ioctl subroutine.


The setioctlrv subroutine sets the value of the u_ioctlrv field in the uthread structure of the running thread. The value in the u_ioctlrv field is returned by theioctl or fp_ioctl subroutine on a successful completion. If the ioctl subroutine fails, an errno value is returned instead.

Return Values

The setioctlrv subroutine returns no return values.

Error Codes

The setioctlrv subroutine returns no error codes.