pci_cfgrw Kernel Service


Reads and writes PCI bus slot configuration registers.


#include <sys/mdio.h>
int pci_cfgrw(bid, md, write_flag)
int bid;
struct mdio *md;
int write_flag;


The pci_cfgrw kernel service provides serialized access to the configuration registers for a PCI bus. To ensure data integrity in a multi-processor environment, a lock is required before accessing the configuration registers. Depending on the value of the write_flag parameter, a read or write to the configuration register is performed at offset md_addr for the device identified by md_sla.

The pci_cfgrw kernel service provides for kernel extensions the same services as the MIOPCFGET and MIOPCFPUT ioctls provides for applications. The pci_cfgrw kernel service can be called from either the process or the interrupt environment.


Item Description
bid Specifies the bus identifier.
md Specifies the address of the mdio structure. The mdio structure contains the following fields:
Starting offset of the configuration register to access (0 to 0xFF for PCI/PCI-X, and 0 to 0xFFF for PCI-E).
Pointer to the data buffer.
Number of items of size specified by the md_incr parameter. The maximum size is 256 bytes for PCI/PCI-X, and 4096 for PCI-E.
Access types, MV_BYTE, MV_WORD, or MV_SHORT.
Device Number and Function Number.
(Device Number * 8) + Function.
write_flag Set to 1 for write and 0 for read.

Return Values

Returns 0 for successful completion.

Item Description
ENOMEM Indicates no memory could be allocated.
EINVAL Indicated that the bus, device/function, or size is not valid.
EPERM Indicates that the platform does not allow the requested operation