md_restart_block_read Kernel Service


A copy of the RESTART_BLOCK structure in the NVRAM header will be placed in the caller's buffer.


#include <sys/mdio.h>
int md_restart_block_read (md)
                struct mdio *md;


Item Description
md Specifies the address of the mdio structure. The mdio structure contains the following fields:
Pointer to the data buffer.
Number of bytes in the data buffer.
Contains the value PMMode on return in the least significant byte.


The RestartBlock which is in the NVRAM header will be copied to the user supplied buffer. This block is a communication vehicle for the software and the firmware.

Return Values

Returns 0 for successful completion.

Item Description
ENOMEM Indicates that there was not enough room in the user supplied buffer to contain the RestartBlock.
EINVAL Indicates this is not a PowerPC® reference platform.

Prerequisite Information

Kernel Extensions and Device Driver Management Kernel Services in Kernel Extensions and Device Support Programming Concepts.