livedump Kernel Service


Starts a live dump.


#include <sys/livedump.h>

kerrno_t livedump (parms)
ldmp_parms_t *parms;


Item Description
parms Points to an item of ldmp_parms_t type.


The livedump kernel service initiates a live dump. It can be called from either the kernel or a kernel extension. Storage associated with the dump is not entirely freed until the dump has been written to disk, or the livedump kernel service returns an error indicating the dump was not taken.

Execution Environment

The livedump kernel service can be called from either the process or interrupt environment. Only a serialized, synchronous dump can be started from the interrupt level, and the dump is limited to one pass.

Return Values

Item Description
0 Indicates a successful completion.
EINVAL_RAS_LIVEDUMP_PARM Indicates that one or more parameters are not valid.
EFAULT_RAS_LIVEDUMP_PARM Indicates that a memory fault occurs.
EINVAL_RAS_LIVEDUMP_COMP Indicates one or more components are not valid.
EINVAL_RAS_LIVEDUMP_NOCOMPS Indicates that no valid components were given.