krs_numrads Subroutine


Returns the number of system resource allocation domains (RADs) that have available resources.


#include <sys/rset.h>
int krs_numrads(rset, sdl, flags)
rsethandle_t rset;
unsigned int sdl;
unsigned int flags;


The krs_numrads subroutine returns the number of system RADs at system detail level sdl, that have available resources contained in the resource set identified by the rset parameter.

The number of atomic RADs contained in the rset parameter is returned if the sdl parameter is equal to the maximum system detail level.


Item Description
rset Specifies the resource set handle for the resource set being queried.
sdl Specifies the system detail level in which the caller is interested.
flags Reserved for future use. Specify as 0.

Return Values

Upon successful completion, the number of RADs is returned. If unsuccessful, a -1 is returned and one or more of the following are true:
  • The flags parameter contains an invalid value.
  • The sdl parameter is greater than the maximum system detail level.