kcred_getpriv Kernel Service


Copies a privilege vector from a credentials structure.


#include <sys/priv.h>

#include <sys/cred.h>

int kcred_getpriv ( crp, which, priv )
struct ucred * cr;
int which;
priv_t * priv;


Item Description
crp Pointer to a credentials structure
which Privilege set to get
priv Privilege set


The kcred_getpriv kernel service returns a single privilege set from the credentials structure referenced by crp. The which parameter is one of PRIV_BEQUEATH, PRIV_EFFECTIVE, PRIV_INHERITED, or PRIV_MAXIMUM. The corresponding privilege set will be copied to priv. rp must be a valid, referenced credentials structure.

Execution Environment

The kcred_getpriv kernel service can be called from the process environment only.

Return Values

Item Description
0 Success. to priv.
-1 An error has occurred.