kcred_getpag or kcred_getpag64 Kernel Service


Copies a process authentication group (PAG) ID from a credentials structure.


#include <sys/cred.h>

int kcred_getpag ( crp, which, pag )
struct ucred * cr;
int which;
int * pag;

int kcred_getpag64 ( crp, which, pag )
struct ucred * cr;
int which;
uint64 * pag;


Item Description
crp Pointer to a credentials structure
which PAG ID to get
pag Process authentication group


The kcred_getpag or kcred_getpag64 kernel service copies the requested PAG from the credentials structure referenced by crp into pag. The value of which must be a defined PAG ID. The PAG ID for the Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) is 0. crp must be a valid, referenced credentials structure.

Execution Environment

The kcred_getpag or kcred_getpag64 kernel service can be called from the process environment only.

Return Values

Upon successful completion, a value of 0 is returned. Otherwise, a value of -1 is returned, and the errno global variable is set to indicate the error.

Error Codes

Thekcred_getpag kernel service fails if the following condition is true:

Item Description
-EOVERFLOW PAG value is 64-bit (should be using kcred_getpag64)