eeh_init Kernel Service


This service registers a single-function adapter slot on a PCI/PCI-E bus for EEH function.


#include <sys/eeh.h>

eeh_handle_t eeh_init(pbid, slot, flag)
long     pbid;
long     slot;
long     flag;


Item Description
pbid AIX® parent bus identifier
slot device slot (device*8+function). This is same as "connwhere" property in CuDv.
flag flag that enables eeh


The pbid argument identifies a bus type and number. The bus type is IO_PCI in the case of PCI and PCI-X bus. If the bus type is IO_PCIE, the device is on PCI-E (PCI Express) bus. The bus number is a unique identifier determined during bus configuration. The BID_VAL macro defined in ioacc.h is used to generate the bid. The slot argument is the device/function combination ((device*8) + function) as in the PCI addressing scheme. The flag argument of EEH_ENABLE enables the slot. The flag argument of EEH_DISABLE does not enable the slot but still allocates an EEH handle. This service should be called only by the single-function adapter drivers.

The macro EEH_INIT(pbid, slot, flag) is provided for the device drivers to call this service. The eeh_handle is defined as follows in <sys/eeh.h>:

 * This is the eeh_handle structure for the eeh_* services
typedef struct eeh_handle *       eeh_handle_t;
struct eeh_handle {
        struct  eeh_handle *next;
        long    bid;                    /* bus id passed to eeh_init    */
        long    slot;                   /* slot passed to eeh_init      */
        long    flag;                   /* flag passed to eeh_init      */
        int     config_addr;            /* Configuration Space Address  */
        int     eeh_mode;               /* Indicates safe mode          */
        uint    retry_delay;            /* re-read the slot state after *
                                         * these many seconds.          */
        int     reserved1;
        int     reserved2;
        int     reserved3;
        long long       PHB_Unit_ID;    /* /pci@               */
        void    (*eeh_clear)(eeh_handle_t);
        long    (*eeh_enable_pio)(eeh_handle_t);
        long    (*eeh_enable_dma)(eeh_handle_t);
        long    (*eeh_reset_slot)(eeh_handle_t, int);
        long    (*eeh_enable_slot)(eeh_handle_t);
        long    (*eeh_disable_slot)(eeh_handle_t);
        long    (*eeh_read_slot_state)(eeh_handle_t, long *, long *);
        long    (*eeh_slot_error)(eeh_handle_t, int, char *, long);
        struct eeh_shared_domain *parent_sd;    /* point back to the parent
                                         * shared domain structure if
                                         * in shared domain, NULL if singlefunc.
        void    (*eeh_configure_bridge)(eeh_handle_t);
        void    (*eeh_broadcast)(eeh_handle_t, unsigned long long);

This is an exported kernel service.

Execution Environment

This service can only be called from the process environment.

Return Values

Item Description
EEH_FAIL Unable to allocate EEH handle.
EEH_NO_SUPPORT EEH not supported on this system, no handle allocated.
struct eeh_handle * If successful.