eeh_disable_slot Kernel Service


This service disables a slot for the EEH operations.


#include <sys/eeh.h>

long eeh_disable_slot(handle)
eeh_handle_t handle;


Item Description
handle EEH handle obtained from theeeh_init kernel service


This service disables EEH operation on a slot.

CAUTION: Disabling EEH operation on a slot is highly discouraged, because it can cause system crash or worse, data corruption.

This service can only be called by the single-function adapter drivers. If the service fails for a hardware or firmware reason, an error is logged.

Multifunction drivers call this service indirectly via eeh_clear(). It fails with EEH_FAIL if called directly by a multifunction driver.

The macro EEH_DISABLE_SLOT(handle) is provided for device drivers to call this service.

Execution Environment

This kernel service can be called from the process or interrupt environment.

Return Values

Item Description
EEH_SUCC Slot successfully disabled
EEH_FAIL Unable to disable the slot