e_assert_wait Kernel Service


Asserts that the calling kernel thread is going to sleep.


#include <sys/sleep.h>

void e_assert_wait ( event_word,  interruptible)
tid_t *event_word;
boolean_t interruptible;


Item Description
event_word Specifies the shared event word. The kernel uses the event_word parameter as the anchor to the list of threads waiting on this shared event.
interruptible Specifies if the sleep is interruptible.


The e_assert_wait kernel service asserts that the calling kernel thread is about to be placed on the event list anchored by the event_word parameter. The interruptible parameter indicates wether the sleep can be interrupted.

This kernel service gives the caller the opportunity to release multiple locks and sleep atomically without losing the event should it occur. This call is typically followed by a call to either the e_clear_wait or e_block_thread kernel service. If only a single lock needs to be released, then the e_sleep_thread kernel service should be used instead.

The e_assert_wait kernel service has no return values.

Execution Environment

The e_assert_wait kernel service can be called from the process environment only.

Related Information

The e_clear_wait kernel service, e_block_thread kernel service, e_sleep_thread kernel service

Process and Exception Management Kernel Services in AIX® Version 7.1 Kernel Extensions and Device Support Programming Concepts.