dmp_ctl Kernel Service


Adds and removes entries to the master dump table.


#include <sys/types.h>
     #include <errno.h>
     #include <sys/dump.h>

     int dmp_ctl(op, parmp)
     int op;
     struct dmpctl_data *parmp;


The dmp_ctl kernel service is used to manage dump routines. It replaces the dmp_add and dmp_del kernel services which are still supported for compatibility reasons. The major differences between routines added with the dmp_add() command and those added with the dmp_ctl() command are:
  • The routines are invoked differently from routines added with the dmp_add kernel service. Routines added using the dmp_ctl kernel service return a void pointer, to a dump table or to a dump size estimate.
  • Routines added with the dmp_ctl kernel service are expected to ignore functions they don't support. For example, they should not trap if they receive an unrecognized request. This allows future functionality to be added without all users needing to change.

The dmp_ctl kernel service is used to request that an amount of memory be set aside in a global buffer. This will then be used by the routine to store data not resident in memory. An example of such data is dump data provided by an adapter. Without a global buffer, the data would need to be placed into a pinned buffer allocated at configuration time. Each component would need to allocate its own pinned buffer.

The system dump facility maintains a global buffer for such data. This buffer is allocated when it is first requested, with the requested size. Another dump routine requesting more data causes the buffer to be reallocated with the larger size. Since this buffer must be maintained in pinned storage for the life of the system, only ask for as much memory as is required. Asking for an excessive amount of storage will compromise system performance by reserving too much pinned storage.

Any dump routine using the global buffer is called whenever dump data is required. Routines are only called once to provide such data. Their dump table addresses are saved and used if the dump is restarted.

Note: The dmp_ctl kernel service can also be used by a dump routine to report a routine failure. This may be necessary if the routine detects that it can't dump what needs to be dumped for some reason such as corruption of a data structure.
Note: Beginning with AIX® Version 6.1 with the 6100-02 Technology Level, the dmp_ctl kernel service supports that DMPFUNC_SERIALIO operation flag.

Dump Tables

A dump routine returns a component dump table that begins with DMP_MAGIC, which is the magic number for the 32- or 64-bit dump table. If the unlimited sized dump table is used, the magic number is DMP_MAGIC_U and the cdt_u structure is used. If this is the case, the dump routine is called repeatedly until it returns a null cdt_u pointer. The purpose of the unlimited size dump table is to provide a way to dump an unknown number of data areas without having to preallocate the largest possible array of cdt_entry elements as is required for the classic dump table. The definitions for dump tables are in the sys/dump.h include file.


dmp_ctl operations and the dmpctl_data structure are defined in the dump.h text file.

Item Description
op Specifies the operation to perform.
parmp Points to a dmpctl_data structure containing values for the specified operation. The dmpctl_data structure is defined in the /usr/include/sys/dump.h file as follows:
/* Dump Routine failures data. */
struct __rtnf {
       int rv;                    /* error code. */
       ulong vaddr;               /* address. */
       vmhandle_t handle;         /* handle */

typedef       void *((*__CDTFUNCENH)(int op, void *buf));
struct dmpctl_data {
       int dmpc_magic;            /* magic number       */
       int dmpc_flags;           /* dump       routine       flags. */
       __CDTFUNCENH dmpc_func;
       union {
              u_longlong_t bsize;    /* Global buffer size requested. */
              struct __rtnf rtnf;
       } dmpc_u;
#define       DMPC_MAGIC1 0xdcdcdc01
#define       DMPC_MAGIC DMPC_MAGIC1
#define       dmpc_bsize dmpc_u.bsize
#define dmpcf_rv dmpc_u.rtnf.rv
#define dmpcf_vaddr dmpc_u.rtnf.vaddr
#define dmpcf_handle dmpc_u.rtnf.handle

The supported operations and their associated data are:

Item Description
DMPCTL_ADD Adds the specified dump routine to the master dump table. This requires a pointer to the function and function type flags. Supported type flags are:
Calls this function again if the dump is restarted. A dump function is only called once to provide dump data. If the function must be called and the dump is restarted on the secondary dump device, then this flag must be set. The DMPFUNC_CALL_ON_RESTART flag must be set if this function uses the global dump buffer. It also must be set if the function uses an unlimited size dump table, a table with DMP_MAGIC_U as the magic number.
This function uses the global dump buffer. The size is specified using the dmpc_bsize field.
Enables serialized I/O during dump time. The need for this flag is device specific. Only the developer of the device can determine if this flag needs to be set. It is only recommended for devices that can be on the dump I/O path. Serializing I/O during dump time can degrade dump performance. The default, without this flag, is to allow I/O to occur in parallel with CDT function calls.
DMPCTL_DEL Deletes the specified dump function from the master dump table.
DMPCTL_RTNFAILURE Reports an inability to dump required data. The routine must set the dmpc_func, dmpcf_rV, dmpcf_vaddr, and dmpcf_handle fields.

Dump function invocation parameters:

Item Description
operation code Specifies the operation the routine is to perform. Operation codes are:
The dump is starting for this dump table. Provide data.
The dump is finished. This call is provided so that a dump routine can do any cleanup required after a dump. This is specific to a device for which information was gathered. It does not free memory, since such memory must be allocated before the dump is taken.
Provide more data for this unlimited dump table. The routine must have first passed back a dump table beginning with DMP_MAGIC_U. When finished, the function must return a NULL.
Provide a size estimate. The function must return a pointer to an item of type dmp_sizeest_t. See the examples later in this article.
buffer pointer This is a pointer to the global buffer, or NULL if no global buffer space was requested.

Return Values

Item Description
0 Returned if successful.
EINVAL Returned if one or more parameter values are invalid.
ENOMEM Returned if the global buffer request can't be satisfied.
EEXIST Returned if the dump function has already been added.


  1. To add a dump routine (dmprtn) that can be called once to provide data, type:
    void *dmprtn(int op, void *buf);
              struct cdt cdt;
              dmp_sizeest_t estimate;
                      struct dmpctl_data parm;
                      parm.dmpc_magic = DMPC_MAGIC1;
                      parm.dmpc_func = dmprtn;
                      parm.dmpc_flags = 0;
                      ret = dmp_ctl(DMPCTL_ADD, &parm);
               * Dump routine.
               * input:
               *   op - dump routine operation.
               *   buf - NULL since no global buffer is used.
               * returns:
               *   A pointer to the component dump table.
              void *
              dmprtn(int op, void *buf)
                      void *ret;
                      switch(op) {
                      case DMPRTN_START: /* Provide dump data. */
                              ret = (void *)&cdt;
                      case DMPRTN_ESTIMATE:
                              ret = (void *)&estimate;
  2. To add a dump routine (dmprtn) that requests 16 kb of global buffer space, type:
              #define BSIZ 16*1024
              dmp_sizeest_t estimate;
                      parm.dmpc_magic = DMPC_MAGIC1;
                      parm.dmpc_func = dmprtn;
                      parm.dmpc_flags = DMPFUNC_CALL_ON_RESTART|DMPC_GLOBAL_BUFFER;
                      parm.dmpc_bsize = BSIZ;
                      ret = dmp_ctl(DMPCTL_ADD, &parm);
               * Dump routine.
               * input:
               *   op - dump routine operation.
               *   buf - points to the global buffer.
               * output:
               *   Return a pointer to the dump table or to the estimate.
              void *
              dmprtn(int op, void *buf)
                      void *ret;
                      switch(op) {
                      case DMPRTN_START: /* Provide dump data. */
                              (Put data in buffer at buf.)
                              ret = (void *)&cdt;
                      case DMPRTN_ESTIMATE:
                              ret = (void *)&estimate;